Monday, October 28, 2013

Content Changes Here at The Other Shoe

             Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. You all have noticed the site changes at my primary blog location at Now, I am making a few changes to posting times of regular articles. From now on; ‘A Week In Review’ will be posted on Monday and contain all the links to the previous week’s content. This will continue until such time I get another author and/or I get a microphone to use my Dragon Speech program. I am hoping that this is a temporary change, as I really like the review on Saturday morning. Like a Sunday paper for my blog, it gave you an overview of all the content from that business week.


Taking the place of ‘A Week in Review’ on Saturday mornings will be a new feature ‘Weekend Wisdom’. When I first came up with this series I was going to just share favorite quotes and words of wisdom. Whereas, the series will contain that content I will be adding something all my own. I will be taking ‘conventional wisdom’ from name magazines and newspapers and revealing their fraud and lies. This week I will be taking on the ‘conventional wisdom’ that has lead the Food and Drug Administration to ask the D.E.A. to change the classification of hydrocodone based pain medications from their existing class III to class II.


I will be taking on the ignorant and bloviating writers from; USA Today, and Time and showing you, My Dear Readers, the huge lack of complete and proper information and how they have spun (what is essentially a demographic change in the American population) into some national worry of no consequence. Each and every week I will take some… ‘article’ I used that word quite loosely) published by a major magazine or newspaper and reveal it for the bloviating and ignorant ‘boy crying wolf’ that it is. I will also do my best to share a favorite quote of mine. I will share how the quote applies to my life, and how it has helped my life journey.


My Dear Readers, I am working without a net, here. When you come to my blog… everything you read I have typed all by my lonesome, then edited (to the best of my ability, James), and published for your enjoyment. As little as a year ago, this was not the physical challenge that it is today. Unfortunately, my pain increases with every passing day. My degenerative disease… well, is doing just what degenerative diseases… do.


I ask not for sympathy, I only ask for continued support and understanding. My Dear Readers, there will be weeks where I manage to; write, edit and publish six or even ten articles. Then, there will be weeks where I will only be able to manage three to five. If I had better pain medications… and a nice microphone for my Dragon Speech (Oh, and now I need support… seems there has been an upgrade from my program… I have tried using my program.. but it seems to have difficulty starting… at all. I need an afternoon with technical support, and the afore mentioned microphone).


Once I have my voice to text software sorted out, I am genuinely shooting for seven articles each and every week. That has been my desired goal since day one, back in 2010. I am lacking in ideas, nor words, for content. There is an old saying I used to hear in Baptist church, The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak. As a boy, I respected those who said these words. Today, I completely understand… and live the life they spoke of with that adage.


I am going to get this update up, today October 28th, 2013. I am hoping that, shortly, I can begin the process of writing (and editing… James) ‘A Week In Review’ for this past week. Seems I actually published… six, or seven articles. I do love when I manage to write and publish that many articles. Please know, My Dear Readers, that you are in my thoughts every single day. Each and every day I wake up thinking of ‘what can I share with my Readers?’. I tell you one thing… current American Politics is just; giving and giving and GIVING.


My goal, a new microphone… and better pain medications and then I promise you, My Dear Readers. I will give you enough content to satisfy even the most voracious appetite for knowledge and content. Thank you for reading.


As always, I am deeply honored that you come here and read my words.


Thank you!


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