Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. First, let me apologize for the tardy nature of this article. Most weeks I, regularly, publish this weekly review on Sunday. However, this Sunday I was knee-deep in the publication and promotion of my first and best political editorial article in many months. Titled ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome – Diagnosis and Cure’ the article outlines the dubious nature of three of the most popular ‘scandals’ to infect our national political dialogue. I say “infect” because… well, as I explain in the article I am genuinely convinced that Americans (well, a small ‘sect’ of Americans) are falling prey to a type of “linguistic virus”.
When infected, the virus attacks the neural pathways associated with reason and common sense. This, thereby, renders the listener incapable of discriminating propaganda from 'news'. Subjects find themselves in a highly suggestible state, so the loudest and angriest voice can overpower their critical thinking skills. This is a theory that I have been working on for a good many years and discovered during observations on Facebook and other social media. So far, I am pretty much the lone wolf with this theory, however, I am quite bereft to (otherwise) explain the actions of many intelligent and good-hearted Americans I have known for years.
You, My Dear Shoevians, can read this article by clinking on the link above… or here: ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome Diagnosis and Cure’. I had really hoped to present ‘A Week in Review’ on time but found myself in the middle of a vortex of real time developments in the most recent ‘Clinton-Hate’ motivated ‘scandal’. You might know it as the ‘Clinton Cash’ scandal, so named after the unpublished book of the same name. Authro, of said work, was on ‘This Week’ on Sunday where he repeatedly admitted that he has no evidence whatsoever of any wrong doing on the part of the Clintons, but feels (regardless of the FACTS) that there “must be an investigation”.
Perhaps he feels this way because he knows that in an election of this magnitude the appearance of impropriety in just as damning as proof. A self-described ‘Conservative’ write, I am sure that he is fully aware that many prominent Republicans have stated their party has little chance against a Hillary Clinton run for the Presidency. This has been spoken by everyone from Newt Gingrich to Jeb Bush, in one form or another. How better to level the playing field than to smear an upstanding life-long public servant that with a dubious and unsupported (by facts) ‘cash for influence’ scandal.
Now, that is enough of that topic for the moment, on with ‘A Week in Review’. I am very proud to announce that, in the previous week, I manage to write, edit and publish another Five articles here at The Other Shoe. That makes two weeks running I have managed to hit my mark uninterrupted. Not so sure about the upcoming weeks, as I have several unavoidable doctor appointments and scans that I must attend. With that in mind I would like to begin our look backward over the past week of publications.
Without further adieu, I give you ‘A Week in Review’!
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- Sunday Funnies – Homage to Alexander R Hanning – “Welcome back My Dearest Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today, as promised, I am here to present… to honor the lifetime’s contributions of Master Alexander R. Hanning. Most of you, My Dear Shoevians, and the world first met Alex right here in an edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’. I had the privilege and honor of knowing, and loving, this great rat his entire life. Starting to research this article, and put together images of Alex at many ages, I almost lost it. I would start to cry… then weep at his passing and my loss.” My Dear Shoevians it still just slays me, each and every time I think of him… see videos of him… pictures of him… or think of him. Alexander has left a HUGE HOLE in my soul… and it pains me to no end. Gryphon is working hard to fill the void… he is very dear to me, already, and plays with me every morning without fail. This one is the hardest… since Nakita. It pains me so…
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- The Mars Report – April 20th, 2015 – “On April 16th 2015, the 957th Martian day, just days ago Curiosity past the ten kilometer (6.214 mile) mark on its trek on the Martian surface. Arriving at Pahrump Hills the rover Curiosity took an incredible panoramic image. Below we can see this panoramic image, taken by the Navcam (Navigational Camera), this shows us the sandy floored valley Curiosity must pass through next. This path will take Curiosity higher on Mount Sharp for further excavation, experimentation and some more incredible images of the Martian surface.” The publication of this edition of ‘The Mars Report’ comes hot on the heals of a major accomplishment for the Curiosity rover as it has just reached the Ten Kilometer point in its sojourn on the Martian surface. Further, I discuss the recent discovery of Nitrogen on the Martian surface and a field of veins of minerals on the surface. I you have not already read and viewed this edition, I suggest you take the link (at the beginning of this article) and check out this edition, NOW!
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- Lost in Space – Hubble’s 25th Anniversary – “Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today is Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 and when I started the research for this article I quickly became aware that today is the 25th Anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope! What a glorious day to pay tribute to this wonder of the modern age, by sharing some of the most recent images captured by Hubble.” In a week filled with space-based accomplishments, this edition of ‘Lost in Space’ marked the 25th Anniversary for the Hubble Space telescope! I am very glad that I had decided to restart my blog at this perfect time. How better to restart and energize my publication than with two milestones in two separate articles series? This is a ‘Must SEE’ edition of ‘Lost in Space’ where I breakdown the work of Hubble into the three categories NASA uses to evaluate scientific achievement and progress.
- Alive and, well… ? – Danny Update – “Below is a short video that I recorded today. I made this video to show all of you, My Dear Shoevians, that I am alive and still all in one piece. Right now, at 2:15PM PDST I am uploading the video for publication just as soon as possible. I am hoping to have this article, and the accompanying video, ready for viewing by 3:00PM PDST (that would be 5PM Central –Texas Time). Right now, it looks as though I will be able to keep this schedule.’ As explained, above, this is an article including a short personal update video I made. I was beginning to become aware of my physical limitations… still am fighting that demon!
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- ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ – Diagnosis and Cure – “Today, in the paragraphs below, I will explain to everyone just how to diagnose yourself, and others, of this terrible socially transmitted disease, and (ultimately) how to treat and CURE this malady. However, before I discuss the personal symptoms of this terrible disease (the diagnosis), and the cure for ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ I am going to discuss the source of this socially-transmitted’ disease. For the majority of Americans discovering the source of this terrible socially transmitted disease is easy to see.” A very unique piece, even by my standards. Whereas I post the starting article for three of the most recent ‘Clinton Scandals’, I go even further to debunk them as the partisan (hyper partisan) fact-void rhetoric that they are all proved (in the end) to be. Right before my eyes, as I researched this article, I watched as the newest ‘Clinton Scandal’ became unraveled right before my eyes. The ‘Clinton Cash’ scdanal is already being debunked by; NBC, ABC< and CBS as a partisan (poor) attempt to tie efforts by (then) Sec. Clinton to work done by the ‘Clinton Foundation’. The author of the unpublished work, ‘Clinton Cash’ openly admits to having “no real evidence of wrongdoing..” but still seeks an investigation!?!? Obviously a clear-cut case of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Be sure to check out this article, as it contains FACTUAL EVIDENCE… and a very humorous ending. ENJOY!
With that My Dear Shoevians I bring this week’s edition of ‘A Week in Review’ to a close. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this week’s review, and the wonderful articles that made up its content. It is my hope to entertain, inform, and delight my readers. If, by some chance, you are educated during your visit… all the better. J
Now, for a little timely editorial. As I sit here putting the finishing touches on this article? I am bearing witness to the real time looting of a CVS in Baltimore, Maryland. The view is from a helicopter, a media ‘news’ chopper, and I wonder if these… ‘individuals’ are aware that their actions are being capture on video for all time? I watch as one young woman records the actions of her friends… on her cellular phone. Is she aware that, too, is a crime?
The repeated murder of African American men, and young men, by (predominately) white law enforcement officers is… grotesque and unthinkable. However, just how does the African American community think the sight of their young people looting A CVS… help their cause. Engender the national community to their side? Curious and curiouser.
Thank you!
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