Welcome back My Dear Readers Shoevians to The Other Shoe. It is about 7:45PM PDST Friday night April 17th, 2015. My Shoevians I must admit that I am rather… … … proud of myself, tonight. Proud that in spite of all the pain I find myself (increased by a terrible spill I took in the shower about two weeks past), I have managed to; research, write, edit, embed images, construct footnotes, and publish THREE articles (so far) this week! This is the schedule I has hoped to make, and keep, for the beginning of the ‘Rebirth and Re-Launch’[1] of The Other Shoe.
Actually, as I am thinking about it… now it will be four articles counting this one once published. If I manage to; write, embed videos & images, edit and publish the planned memorial edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ (as planned as an homage to Alexander R. Hanning) this Sunday? That will mean that I published FIVE works in this very first week of re-launch. Off to a bloody good start, if I say so myself. That is quite enough patting myself on the back, for the moment, and on to the meat of this article.
Yesterday, Thursday, I was out with Allen picking up prescriptions. It was a nice day, not too hot or too smoggy. Nobody has really seen me, since the chemotherapy. So, I took it upon myself to as Allen to be cameraman for today’s video. First off, I did not use (or have) a script for this video. It is completely an impromptu venture from beginning to end. Second, the hair color you see is my I’All New Natural’ hair color… post-chemo. I have not colored my hair since last year, and if it stays this color I will no longer color my hair. Third (and final) I mentioned a bit of a tumble I had in the shower, about two weeks ago.
I hit my head, my neck… … … and I chipped one of my front teeth. In the center on my right side, you will see the chipped tooth. I am doubtful that Medicare or Medi-Cal will pay anything for the repair. I am going to do my very best to save money, over the next several months and see if I can save enough to have the problem… fixed. I very much enjoy making videos, and posting them as personal updates. I just cannot envision this continuing, with my teeth… well, the way they look now ‘post-tumble’.
Without further adieu, I give you my Personal Update Video for April 2015. There is MORE content after the video, be sure to check that out, too! ENJOY!
Wrapping up here, I am going to spend most of tomorrow working on the homage edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ for this Sunday. Alexander R. Hanning has a BIG part of my life, and a huge reason I fair the cancer and following chemotherapy as well as I did. He was the STAR of ‘Sunday Funnies’ for a number of years, and... Well, he deserves this homage edition. So, look forward to this homage tomorrow Sunday 19th, 2015 right here at The Other Shoe.
As always, THANKS! For dropping by and spending some time here reading and enjoying my work and articles. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out this week’s editions of; “The Mars Report’ and ‘Lost in Space’ (it’s as easy as clicking on the links < back there). They are, both, departures from the norm for these series and I worked had to make them timely and enjoyable. Both will be returning to their original form and content coming next week.
Thank you!
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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