Welcome back My Dearest Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today, as promised, I am here to present… to honor the lifetime’s contributions of Master Alexander R. Hanning. Most of you, My Dear Shoevians, and the world first met Alex right here in an edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’. I had the privilege and honor of knowing, and loving, this great rat his entire life. Starting to research this article, and put together images of Alex at many ages, I almost lost it. I would start to cry… then weep at his passing and my loss.
So much of mankind misunderstands and mistrusts rats. Now I am not talking about the common breeds of rats; rattus-rattus and rattus-norvegicus. These are you sewer and ocean faring vehicle rats. They are, however, the fathers and mothers of our modern day… domesticated ‘Fancy Rats’… what I have labeled rattus-superiorous. Just so everyone can know and maybe… just maybe inform a world. ‘Fancy Rats’ originated in the Victorian Era and were breed for dog fights. The original breeds of rats simply turned and ran, when placed in a pit with a terrier. IT was Jim Shaw that bred the very first Fancy Rats because they showed promise in the dog pits.
When placed into the dog pits these Fancy Rats would start to ‘box’ the terriers! They would no run away, scamper off, they would roll into their backs and begin ‘boxing’ with their front paws! This threw the dogs off, at first, and was the source of great sport… to the sick individuals that engaged in this inhumane and vile sport. Yet, even at our darkest mankind can do some small good. Our modern day ‘Fancy Rats’ owe their entire existence to Jim Shaw and sick and depraved Victorian Era perverts.
Now, back to my best friend and the star of ‘Sunday Funnies’ for many moons, Alexander R. Hanning. Now, it comes as a disturbing surprise that… and I have worked on this for over a week… I am having a difficult time locating early images of Alexander. Granted I am dealing with greatly increased pain, and eeven more limited mobility since my fall in the shower a little over two weeks ago. I apologize, however, I have been able to find videos of Alexander on My You-Tube Channel. Below is my very first video of Alexander R Hanning sharing a Freshetta pizza with me, his Daddy.
I am planning on creating his own YouTube channel… and put all his previous videos there for everyone to view and enjoy. Until I get the energy and make the time you can simply go to My You-Tube Channel and enter Alex/Alexander into the search engine. This should list all of the videos that have his name in the title. Again, I apologize for this inconvenience, between my failing health and my recent loss… well, I am just of the mind to spend hours and hours on these (much needed) projects. I am going to work on them just as soon as I am past my next series of scans… later this month.
Now, back to this homage and our star Alexander R. Hanning. Alex, from very early in his life, always shared my food and dinners with me. There really wasn’t much use in trying to make him stop, and I never really thought eating some human food would harm his health, more than brining him joy. OF course, today I kick myself and wonder… wonder if his human diet contributed to his stroke… and his early and untimely passing. AS if my shoulders are full enough, already.
Our next video is of Alexander sharing some curly fires with me from Arby’s. Now, he always ran off with them but I don’t really think he ate them much. Whenever I would clean out his home there was always tons of curly fires for me to clean out.
For our next video of this homage we have Alexander learning that au jus is hot!
Alex as a great many things; loving, caring, affectionate, intelligent, determined… and he was a construction rat! From the very first day Alex would spend time turning; paper bags, magazine rack of my computer table, even a pillowcase into his new home! The video, below, is one of many videos I made of his construction efforts that spanned his short lifetime.
And another of Alex rebuilding his home…
The pain, in my neck… down my arms and into my hands and shooting into my face and neck, have increased… drastically since I started writing this article (well, this final draft). Unfortunately, I am going to have to wrap this up quickly… and hope to ADD editions over the upcoming weeks. More editions to share images of Alexander… and more stories from his short life. My Dearest Shoevians Alexander was only with me for two short years… it felt like a lifetime.
In that short time he constructed a place in my heart. He will always be with me, in my thoughts, in my heart and in my mind and works! That’s right Alexander R. Hanning is reborn in my works ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’. As is; Nakita, Nadia, and Alexander. These are/were my children taken from me all too soon. Below is the final video of this article. Now, I am crying again… and I still have to upload the article, edit, embed videos, and publish. It is now 2:24PM PDST and I am hoping to have this article available for everyone to read by 5PM Central time.
Alexander R. Hanning eating his own Thanksgiving Dinner in 2014:
Thank you for dropping by and your visit, today. I look forward to seeing you, My Dear Shoevians, back here often. Please, remember Alexander R. Hanning for what he gave to all of us.
Thank you!
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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