(Hillary Clinton April 23rd, 2015)
Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. First I would like to extend my apologies for my absence from publishing this past Friday here at The Other Shoe. It was not because I was bereft of material to write about and publish that is for sure. Nope, the reason for my absence is simple; I seem to keep falling in the shower. Yes, I know that I need to have slip-proof stickers or a pad on the bottom of the shower and I should always wait for Allen to get home before bathing. However, Allen is working both of his jobs more and more often and he is just not available, as much, to help me around the house.
Wednesday I managed to write, edit, upload, and publish a wonderful edition of ‘Lost in Space – Hubble’s 25th Anniversary’. If you haven’t, you should give it a read. It really is one of my better articles, and a major accomplishment for me in my current physical condition. My Dear Shoevians, I promise that I will do my level best to write and publish on a regular (five days a week) basis. I totally nailed that goal my very first week back behind the keyboard. However, I must admit that I had no idea that I would, repeatedly, fall in the shower injuring my neck and back.
While I am dealing with these falls, and the resulting increased pain and limited mobility, I am able to keep up with the political theater that has transpired over the past two weeks. That, My Dear Shoevians, is/will be the crux of this article here today. From “Email-Gate’ to Benghazi-mania (again) to ‘Clinton Foundation Donation-Gate’ the far-right’s media chub-generator is going full time. This constant lambaste of hateful hyper partisan and hyperbolic rhetoric has resulted in an all new medical syndrome that I am labeling the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’!
Today, in the paragraphs below, I will explain to everyone just how to diagnose yourself, and others, of this terrible socially transmitted disease, and (ultimately) how to treat and CURE this malady. However, before I discuss the personal symptoms of this terrible disease (the diagnosis), and the cure for ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ I am going to discuss the source of this socially-transmitted’ disease. For the majority of Americans discovering the source of this terrible socially transmitted disease is easy to see.
Unfortuantely? For those in the ‘High-Risk’ category and those already infected. It will be a very difficult, and even painful, process to diagnose and ‘cure’ oneself or a loved one of this terrible disease. Let me not get too far ahead of myself, because isolating the source… … … the socially-transmitted cause of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ is the most important part of this article. It has taken me many weeks to isolate these ‘social-sources’, mainly because they keep changing and they have a tendency to mask themselves.
[FYI 'Humorous' Content Found & Marked Below]
The most recent, and therefore the highest ‘viral-load’ of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ come from some unlikely (but not unsuspected) sources. The most recent, and for a short time the hottest viral load, came from a completely biased article running at (no big surprise here) the New York Times.
Disease Source
- Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal – In this article the writer (and publisher New York Times) wrongly drew lines between contributions to the “Clinton Foundation’ and dealings Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had as America’s top diplomatic lesion. This, poorly documented and falsely published, article unleashed a flurry of the contagion that leads to ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Suddenly all the common (and known) sources of this socially transmitted disease were flooded with the new viral-variant. Ultimately this source was identified and contained by calmer heads and smarter authors. Just yesterday this was the new headline:
- NBC News Just Admitted The NY Times' Story Based On Clinton Cash "Doesn't Hold Up That Well," Here's Why – “NBC News has conceded that the flimsy anti-Clinton allegations contained in a New York Times report fail to deliver on the hype surrounding them. The Times report was based in part on a chapter from discredited conservative author Peter Schweizer's 'Clinton Cash', and a series of facts surrounding the story's allegations supports NBC's negative conclusion.”[2]
- Republican Clinton Cash Scandal Collapses Before The Book Is Even Released – “The scandal that Republicans hoped would take down Hillary Clinton has already sputtered and fizzled as the media has largely debunked the book 'Clinton Cash' as strong on allegations, but weak on facts.[3]”
So, Media Matters and NBC (National Broadcast Company) have published the news that the (alleged) wrongdoing by Secretary Clinton were just undocumented (and NO footnotes) excerpts from a discarded (fiction) novel by Peter Schweizer named ‘Clinton Cash’. There was little to substantiate these claims beyond the article referring to the book and the book pulling them out of thin air. This makes for great fodder for the already infected and those that seek infection.
Sunday Update - April 26th, 2015 -
My Dear Shoevians the following was added Sunday April 26th, 2015 just after the author of ‘Clinton Cash’ (Peter Scweizer) appeared on ‘This Week’ hosted by George Stephanopolous. In the interview (video embedded below) the author repeatedly admits to not have a shred of evidence. He went to press, promoted the book, and out Sec. Hillary Clinton through the ringer over NOTHING! NADA!!!
Here are some salient quotes; as well the video is available for viewing below.
STEPHANOPOULOS: “Do you have any evidence that she actually intervened in this issue?”
SCHWEIZER: “No, we don’t have direct evidence. But it warrants further investigation because, again, George, this is part of the broader pattern. You either have to come to the conclusion that these are all coincidences or something else is afoot.”[1]
Based on nothing but his obvious hatred for Sec. Clinton.
Seeing as that source is a known source of the pathogen, I will quickly move on to the earlier, yet still active, source of viral infection of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ the dreaded and notorious ‘Clinton Email Scandal’!
Disease Source
- Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules – “WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.” – Breaking March 2nd, 2015[4]
- David Brock Calls On The New York Times To Issue "Prominent Correction" To Sloppy Clinton Email Reporting – “Media Matters Founder and Chairman of the Board David Brock called on The New York Times to issue a "prominent correction as soon as possible" after publishing what he called a "wholly inadequate" article about Hillary Clinton's use of a non-government email account during her tenure as secretary of state.[5]
- Exclusive: Documents Undermine NY Times Report On Clinton Emails – “But in suggesting that Clinton had failed to respond promptly and with sufficient depth, the Times gave no indication it had attempted to compare State's response to those of the other agencies who also received the letter, to determine if State's response was actually unusual. The Times article, published two days after Clinton announced a presidential run, instead was based solely on a copy of Issa's letter and the State response that were obtained from "a congressional official."[6]
This brings us down to the final source of the socially transmitted ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’ disease, and the single longest, and most ridiculous (and costly to the American Tax Payer)… Benghazi. Since the 2012 attack on the American Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, Libya. Everyone from Mitt Romney to obese-balding-semiliterate-alcoholic Facebook trolls have weighed in on, and lambasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for… … (?) … well, that is the ‘kicker’! As I have read dozens of articles and have yet to read a clear and definitive explanation of just what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did or didn’t do!
However, the long trail of investigations and subpoenas began just nine days after the attacks with a single letter. A letter sent by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, then Chairman of the House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. The letter, in part, asked for any and “"all information … related to the attack on the consulate."[7] That was the very beginning… the birth if you will of the single longest and most expensive investigation into a single event in modern American history. (Only outdone by the Impeachment Investigation of President Bill Clinton… see a pattern yet?)
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(Hillary at One of Her Many Speeches)
Starting on September 13th, 2012 the Federal Bureau of Investigation started an on-site investigation of the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Since that humble beginning, by our F.B.I., there have been (to the nest of my ability to discern) at least; “…seven investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released.”[9] The investigation by the House Select Committee has spent well over $3 Million on an investigation that “cleared the White House and Sec. Hillary Clinton of all wrongdoing…”[10]
However, even after more than two years of investigations costing millions upon millions of dollars and involving agencies from the F.B.I. to the House Select Committee to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence[11] and every single entity in-between, NOBODY has EVER found ANY untoward or incriminating evidence implicating Secretary Hillary Clinton in ANY way… shape... or form. Yet, having now announced her run for the nomination by the Democratic Party for President of the United States?
Disease Source
- House Benghazi czar seizes the political moment, finally asks Hillary Clinton to testify – “House Republican Benghazi Czar Trey Gowdy has finally gotten to the part of his long, slow, partisan investigation where former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears at a hearing—possibly at two hearings. In a giant coincidence that in no way highlights the partisan witch hunt aspects of the Select Committee on Benghazi, these requests come right after Clinton announced her presidential run. And for all the Republican grandstanding about her secrecy, in the end, Gowdy was the one who wanted Clinton to answer questions in private…”[12]
Private hearings!?!? OyVey!!! Now, why and for what reason is he (Rep. Trey Gowdy) requesting/demanding private hearings on subject matter that has be openly investigated for the past two years-six months? IMHO The only ‘reason’ a political party member could/would have for "private" hearings in any investigation would be so they could mischaracterize the testimony and narrative given by the witness. (The witness being the frontrunner of her party for the 2016 Presidential Elections) Well, I was not the only person that this request did not sit well with, no not at all.
Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer: “No reason” For Private Benghazi Interview – “Hillary Clinton's lawyer reiterated Wednesday that Clinton is willing to testify in public before a House select committee about her use of a private email server as secretary of state.
Attorney David Kendall argued in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, that there would be "no reason" to hold the separate private hearing Republicans have requested.
"Your March 31 letter asserts that 'many questions and details' about the secretary's e-mail use remain unanswered in several areas," he wrote. "I respectfully submit that these questions have already been publicly answered by Secretary Clinton."[13]
House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories – “A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.
Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.”[14]
- Fox Benghazi Myths Dispelled By New Bipartisan Review – “On January 15, 2014, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a bipartisan review of its findings in an investigation of the September 11, 2012, attacks on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. Much of the report dispels myths perpetuated by Fox News over the last sixteen months.”[15]
Now, My Dear Shoevians, I have taken nearly two weeks research and dozens of articles to outline, what I believe to be, the carriers of this terrible and deadly disease state the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. In each of these cases of paranoid delusion and hyperpartisan (and often hyperbolic) rhetoric can and does act as a Linguistic Viral Carrier of this disease. Aye, there’s the rub! You see, My Dear Shoevians, I dearly believe that this horrific (and often family-breaking) disease is carried with/by language.
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(Chill-Lax Hillary)
That elements within the fringe of one of our political parties is seeking to spread this linguistic virus via television broadcasts. In order to do my very best to shield myself from future litigation I will not divulge (here in print) the outlet(s) of this linguistic disease. However, I seriously believe that most of you, My Dear Shoevians, already know which cable & broadcast ‘news’ sources are responsible.
['Humorous' Content Starts Directly Below]
However, since I am unwilling to expose myself to serious and costly litigation (and perhaps even censure of my work) I have decided to share with everyone a simple method of identifying and diagnosing individuals with ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. Thereafter I will share with all of you, My Dear Shoevians, my CURE for this dreaded linguistic virus and socially transmitted disease. Oh, YES, I do believe that aside from primary infection via the linguistic virus that unwitting people can acquire a secondary infection with continued and close contact with infect persons.
Identification & Diagnosis:
- When/If you hear “Hillary Clinton”, “President Clinton”, “Hill-Dog”, “Clinton-Presidency”, “The Clinton Years”, or any combination thereof you or a suspect friend or loved one –
- Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.
- Begins frothing at the mouth.
- Starts into a long-winded diatribe of ‘Clinton Scandals’, ‘Monica Lewinsky’, ‘Whitewater’, “Vince Foster’, or ‘Clinton Impeachment’
- Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.
- Engages in longwinded diatribe about the advantages of a Rand Paul Presidency.
- Engages in unacceptable behavior with a cigar in public.
- When/If any person at a gathering mentions emails they –
- Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing of their teeth.
- Begins frothing at the mouth.
- Starts searching your house for “Hillary’s Private Email Server”.
- Claims that “Hillary’s Private Email Server Contained:
- Secret Agreements with Iran to Overthrow “Our Democracy”.
- The Plans and Timeline for” The Attack of the Libyan Consulate in Benghazi”.
- Secret emails containing Exchange of Uranium for Donation to The Clinton Global Imitative.
- Plans to overthrow “Our Democracy and Begin a Clinton Monarchy”.
- Plans to UN-Rig voting results from Florida.
- Ibid Texan voting Results.
- Whenever you visit your friend/family member their HDTV is always tuned to Fox and they refuse to change the channel at any time for any reason.
- Have pictures on their walls of Hannity and/or O’Rielly.
- Dreams of appearing on ‘The O’Rielly Factor’.
- At the mention of the name Obama or President Obama –
- Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.
- Begins frothing at the mouth.
- Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has ruined the country”.
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has trampled the Constitution.”
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has laid the groundwork for a national conversation to Sharia Law.”
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has weakened our nation’s military so ___ can overtake America.”
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has destroyed the sacred union of Marriage”.
- Breaks into senseless diatribe about “How Mr. Obama has _______” (Insert any crazy unfounded idea)
- Regularly insults others on Facebook for voicing ideas that are not their own.
- Regularly insults others of Facebook for defending the last eight years of economic expansion.
- Regularly insults other on Facebook for having anything nice to say about the ‘Obama Presidency’.
- Regularly uses quotes on Facebook without providing links to the origin of quotes (footnotes).
- Copy/Pastes large diatribes from (obvious) source of hyper partisan rhetoric.
- Posts personal insults towards other Facebook posters who do; use links to quotes, post valid arguments based in sound reasoning or facts, engages in Facebook threads with science.
- When/If they hear the words ‘Climate Change’ they –
- Begins uncontrollable grinding and gnashing their teeth.
- Begins frothing at the mouth.
- Breaks out into uncontrolled and/or hysterical laughter.
- Posts “Climate is ALWAYS changing!’
- Claims that “Solar Power is unreliable because the sun isn’t always shining!’
- Claims that “Wind Power is unreliable because the wind is not always blowing!”
- Claims that “Mankind cannot effect change on his environment” Completely discarding the lessons learned from America’s ‘Dust Bowl’ years.
- Wear T-Shirts with “Drill Baby Drill”
- Openly admit to having read:
- ‘Going Rogue – An American Life’
- ‘I Hope Like Heck’
- ‘America by Heart’
- ‘Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas’
- Cannot engage in a civil conversation about anything positive about President Obama.
- Honestly believe that Fox ‘News’ is “Fair and Balanced” and that all the other (16+) news outlets are “Liberal Controlled Propaganda Outlets”.
- Support ‘Hydraulic Fracking’
- Convinced that ‘Fracking is not connected with earthquakes’.
These are some basic guidelines to identifying individuals that are infected with the ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome”. These are just a few outward indications that I have documented personally over the past decade. I am sure and certain that there are many more methods of detection. My Dear Shoevians if you have any suggestions for ways to identify a “Person Infected with Clinton-Hate Syndrome” please leave them as comments to this thread or forward them to me via Facebook. How for the…
Treatment & CURE
The most obvious, yet one of the most difficult and (perhaps) painful is immediate removal of all televisions showing Fox ‘News’. Moving patient to a place where they cannot connect with other infected persons, and slow and steady exposure to: science, PBS, and a regular diet of real NEWS from one of the three major networks. However, the method outlined below is the single best method I have discovered.
- Emotionally prepare yourself or an extreme shock.
- Mentally prepare yourself for life outside the “Echo Chamber’.
- Follow these steps exactly:
- Place your Left Hand FIRMLY on the Left Side of your Face.
- Place your Right Hand FIRMLY on the Right Side of your Face.
- GRIP Your Face with ALL Ten Fingers.
- Spread Your Legs.
- Take a Deep Breath.
- Pull Your Head Directly OUT of Your Ass!
- Congratulate Yourself for Joining the MAJORITY of Americans!
- Turn on PBS and Watch an Edition of ‘PBS News Hour’.
- Stay AWAY from other ‘Infected’ People, RE-infection is common and must be avoided at all costs.
- Enjoy posting on Facebook and AGREEING with the majority of people.
That, My Dear Shoevians, concludes this guide to the ‘Diagnosis and Treatment of ‘Clinton-Hate Syndrome’. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this work. Yes, it has been a lot of work. I started research for this article more than a week ago, and started writing this for publication more the five hours ago. Most of what I have shared here, today, is very serious. However, I have done my level best to bring some levity to this subject matter.
However, IF I have offended ANYONE? PLEASE!!! PLEASE share this work with OTHERS that might/will be OFFENDED!!
Thank you!
P.S. My Dear Shoevians I am happy to announce that since my return to publication, here at The Other Shoe, YOU have ALL visited here MORE often than at ANY other time in the past FIVE YEARS! My Traffic Reports are INCREDIBLE… and my Traffic Monitor (on the page) is HIGHER than I have EVER seen it! This week, ALONE, The Other Shoe has been visited by ONE HUNDRED TWENTY unique people! This is INCREDIBLE and makes me VERY PROUD of my work. THANK YOU!!! The Image (below) SHOWS the Traffic Counter with 120!
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(120+ Hits Per WEEK!)
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© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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