Monday, November 18, 2013

Three Hundred Articles at The Other Shoe

           Welcome back My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe . Today is November 18th, 2013 and it is 10:05PN Pacific time. I have just been made aware that my primary blog location ( is WORKING for the first time in more than a week. I must tell you, My Dear readers, that I am very happy to have my blog back up and running just in time for my birthday… and another meaningful celebration.


This article marks Three Hundred Articles (actually 308) in my life as; writer, editor and publisher here at The Other Shoe. I am quite proud of my accomplishment. I will be crowing about this milestone on; Facebook, Twitter, and both my blog locations. I simply cannot put into words (believe that or not) how proud I am of my work, and of reaching this milestone in publication in just over two years!


Now, in the past (when I reached 100 articles, and when I reached 200 articles) I am going to work on posting excerpts from my most popular and favorite articles out of the three hundred. I am hoping to have the links and excerpts ready, for publication, tonight… when I publish this article. However, with my ever increasing pain… and escalating fever I am not too sure that it will play out properly. I will do my best to make sure that this piece is up to my high standards. But, I just might let myself slip, ever so slightly, and get the article up and add the favored pieces, excerpts and links as this week flies by. Now that I think on this matter, I am pretty sure that is how this is going to play out.


I have always been a fan of serial works. I cannot tell you the thrill I experienced when Stephen King published ‘The Green Mile’ as Six smallish novels…. Over six months. “Brilliant” It was nothing short of brilliant to break down an extremely suspenseful novel over six months and six books. I completely enjoyed the whole process, and have often thought I would very much like (one day) to do the same with one of my novels. The last (5th) novel of the series ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ would be the work I would very much like to spread out over six months. What better way to end a five part series of young adult science fiction, than with the last book to take six months to complete. Start it at the beginning of the school year, and end it just weeks before graduation.


Having said, right now I am going to talk about the pure joy I have experienced over the past two years bringing you, My Dear Readers, the three hundred articles that (so far) make up The Other Shoe. When I started this blog, March 2010, I had no idea that I would reach as many readers as I do today. Nor did I imagine that words from my blog (and political writings) would appear on; ‘Face the Nation’ TWICE. Once, when Bob Schieffer questioned Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell in July of 2011 with my words… I had submitted the question via the Face the Nation Facebook page, earlier in the week. I had simply written;


Why are Republicans ALLOWING ‘Freshman’ Congressmen CONTROL this debate? They are the LEAST experienced members of Congress and know the LEAST about real governance. It is like letting teenagers control the family budget.”[1]

In the weeks, leading up to this broadcast, I had been needling Republicans on Facebook with many different variations of this very question. See, when I learned about our Congress (The House of Representatives and Senior body the Senate) I was taught that Freshmen representatives carried little clout. That a Representative, or Senator, had to work to gain respect and garner support across the isle. That the lawmakers in the Senate were even referred to as; The Junior Senator and the Senior Senator from ____. (Yes, back then they were LAWMAKERS and suffered with no delusions that their job was just to “repeal laws” and not to make laws).


Well, I can clearly see that I have picked and shared the very first article to be remembered in this review of my first Three Hundred Articles @ The Other Shoe.


Be sure to come back during the week, to watch as I continue this wonderful review of the best of the first three hundred articles at The Other Shoe.

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