Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First, I would like to express my apologies for the extended absence here at The Other Shoe. The previous forty-five days (of my cancer treatment fund campaign) took a great deal more out of me that I had imagined. AS well, my oncologist has made increased efforts to get me into the office to figure out some way to proceed. Proceed with my care… or treatment in a fashion that is viable to me.
I spent just over two hours speaking with him, yesterday. He took nine vials of blood for serumology tests, and has sent over orders for three or four further scans. Chemotherapy is not to proceed, at this time. In the next several weeks I am going to find another oncologist, close by, and schedule a visit for a second opinion on my treatment and care. Enough of that subject!
Now, for today I am going to share a bit of a review of the past four episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. The reason for this is two-fold. First, I want to make sure that everyone of you, My Dear Readers, is up to date on the current events within the story line. Second, I am about to redouble my efforts to complete this novel by Halloween! Now, as a reminder, My Dear Readers, the story you will read here at The Other Shoe is not will not be identical as the story/novel I will be submitting to publishers.
I have trimmed this story back substantially so that I have sections that are easily read, each and every week. I am sure that you, My Dear Readers, understand I simply cannot publish the entire novel here for FREE! Then, go to a publisher and find one willing to publish a novel that has already been posted at a blog for free! There is a great deal of; narrative, character development, and even whole scenes that I have removed from this version of the story. Trust me when I tell you, that if yo9u have enjoyed this version of this story? You will really want to read the novel I hope to get published.
Finally, My Dear Readers, this is just story #1! I see Timmy and Archer side-by-side for many years… decades to come. This is just their first adventure (of this type) in their lifetime. It is my intention that Timmy and Archer will battle through, and prevail in many more gripping and suspenseful stories in the years to come. As I write, and publish, the middle and end of this story. You will become aware of the larger world Timmy and Archer find themselves a part. That they may have been born in Smithville, but their life experiences will span many worlds… realities… realms. Quite honestly, when I started writing ‘The Horror’ I was just looking for a little non-fiction to fill in a hole in my scheduling in Friday afternoons. Oui! How these boys… this town… and these characters grown to fill a much larger place in my heart, in my mind and in my soul.
I very much look forward to completing this first adventure, this first story. However, in the dark recesses of my mind; Timmy, Archer, Tom, Walter and (yes, even)’The Tall Man’ have already started new adventures, new conquests, and in new and different places. Places in time, and space.
There! That is all I am going to spill least I (accidentally) stumble into the realm of spoilers! I do not want to do that, and it would not be fair to you, My Dear Readers. Let’s concern ourselves with the current dilemma in Smithville. When we left off we see that Tom, Archer and Timmy are headed (at warp speed) to the Smithville Memorial Hospital. At the very same time we have; Walter, Roger, and Barry converging (though by different means) on the job site where Ralph is already working. Each of these characters have strong personalities and personal dynamics.
The convergence of these many strong personalities, mixed with the ‘doings’ at the job site and under the… supervision(?)… guidance(?)… puppet mastering of ‘The Tall Man’ should serve for some very explosive happenings. Remember, My Dear Readers, that all of the events (since the brutal beating of Timmy at Barry’s malevolent hands) are happening simultaneously. As Tom is driving Timmy and Archer to the hospital, Roger Marsch, Walter Daniels, and Barry are headed to meet up with Ralph and his new ‘employer’ ‘The Tall Man’.
My Dear Readers, I hope that I did not upset anyone with my reveal that what I am publishing here for free is not the whole story. Remember, I am creating this story in real time as it is published. Now, I am quite good at my chosen art from. However, nobody is that capable as to write, then publish, an entire novel on the fly. There will always be ‘paths not taken’ during the original draft that… well, become essential once you get past page 100. ;)
This is not a slight to you, My Dear Readers. Honestly! If I were (already) independently wealthy. If I had already won a lottery or come across some means of financial security… already? Well, heck, I would rewrite, edit then publish the entire book as a Finished Product FOR FREE right here at The Other Shoe. The reality is that I am not “financially secure” and if this story is published as a novel? If this novel were to do ‘well’? I would very much enjoy the financial security that would come with the reality.
Now, My Dear Readers, without further adieu I give you this review!
- The Horror in Smithville – Part 14-A : “Principal Roger Marsch was a dour man. The son of a farmer, and a farmer before that, and a farmer before that; Roger Marsch had broken a multigenerational line of farmers to become the principal of the middle school in the town of farmers named Smithville. Principal Marsch had worked very hard, in high school, to get a football scholarship to go to college. After a terrible knee injury, and ACL Tear, in his sophomore year Roger Marsch devoted himself to a career in education.” My Dear Readers, here is where we meet Roger Marsch for the very first time. Oh, I seem to have… well, missed someone. Namely Ralph Simmner! Ralph is; Archer’s father, an alcoholic, a former proud miner, and a now ‘broken man’ looking for the path to redemption. BUT That is Rajph’s story, and THIS episode is about Roger. Ralph was brought to you in the ‘Missing Chapters’ section of this publication on my blog. Right now, due to advice of a close friend in the industry, I have ‘Locked’ these past episodes. Just as soon as we complete the many episodes that make up Chapter 14, these, too, will be locked. Roger… has a very distinct… and well, strong personality. He means no harm, but that does not mean he does no harm. Roger has left a trail of tears behind him, not his tears but the tears of the people he ‘tried to help’. We all know a ‘Roger’ personality. The man in the office, or at church, that ‘just knows what is better’ for everyone around him. Not only that, but these ‘Roger’ types also have been given the ‘Gift’ of knowing just how to ‘fix’ these ‘broken’ people around them. It is they that are the source of the tears that make a a trial in Roger’s wake. I just wonder how well Roger will mix with Walter… and ‘The Tall Man’???
- The Horror in Smithville – Part 14 – B : “Mr. Dunahoo stood, silently, and watched as Tom Marref pealed out of the Middle School parking lot. Mr. Dunahoo knew that inside that truck, now leaving huge clouds of white/gray smoke in the parking lot; laid the unconscious and beaten body of a wonderfully talented student by the name of Timmy Marref. Truman, Mr. Dunahoo, wondered if any of the people gathered here at the back of the school (both students and teachers alike) even noticed how the billowing clouds of smoke coming from the rear tires of Mr. Marref’s truck? How those poofy white clouds resembled the wings of an angel. How, standing there watching a boy… a terribly beaten boy, being carried away by his father and his best friend, in their truck, actually looked like the truck was being lifted on the wings of an angel to take the poor boy to the hospital.” First, My Dear Readers, I need to explain something… something important. Truman Dunahoo is a real person! In Real Life Truman was a; teacher, friend, director, ally, artist, shoulder to cry on, painter, fun person to dine or party with and one of the most well-rounded theatrical artists I have ever met. He was my director in many plays and lead me to many ‘Best Actor’, ‘Best Play’, awards and honors. As well, he directed some my best efforts (ever) on stage. But, Truman’s role in a person’s life did not end at the edge of the stage apron. No, if you allowed Truman could and would help guide you in your personal life, too. He taught drama, speech, and English during class time. Outside of class, he taught; class, dignity, honesty, integrity and true friendship. I was honored to have known Truman, and blessed by his guidance and caring. If you are a reader from Pearland, Texas then you know or know of Truman Dunahoo. I have written this character as homage to Truman. I have done my best to share what we all knew of Truman mixed in with what I learned about Truman being is friend long after class and graduation had passed. These two episodes are the fate of Barry Gartuska and his introduction of ‘The Tall Man’. Barry… well Barry gets his just rewards at the hands of ‘The Tall Man’. I will say no more…
- The Horror in Smithville – Part 14-B-2 : “Mr. Dunahoo, Truman, sat there for several minuets trying to cry… wanting to cry. In just the matter of an hour Truman had; seen one of his students beat to a bloody pulp, physically dragged the offending student to the Principal’s office, struck said student in the face (even though he had it coming, this gave Truman little solace), and handcuffed the violent student to a chair. As Truman sat there, thinking, it occurred to him that this oncoming storm had a curious effect on many people. Batty Sue showed a spine of steel that she had never before shown, Barry Gartuska had nearly murdered a student, and he… HE had struck a student across the face without giving it a second thought. What was this town coming too?” OK, My Dear Readers, here is where I usually follow the excerpt from the episode with some… insight or ‘teaser’ for the episode. This episode… well, is the exception to that rule. For me to explain… to add insight, well would end up being more ‘spoiler’ than anything. I do not want to publish any ‘spoilers’. I want you to read this story and I do not want to spoil that experience.
- The Horror in Smithville – Part – 14 – B – 3 : “Barry was sitting on the floor, facing the left backside of Principal Marsch’s desk… when everything in the room… went foggy. The whole room appeared to be filling with smoke or fog. He wriggled his back into his chair, so that he was sitting down and facing the front to the desk directly. Just as he had managed to squirm his butt back into the seat of the metal chair, the fog in the room began to… well, began to gather in the corner to his right. Right behind/beside Principal’s Marsch’s desk, to the left of the Principal’s chair, all the fog in the room was gathering.” In this episode… well, Barry SHOULD be in a empty room. He is, in the beginning. Then he has a… ‘visitor’. This visitor… this visit changes Barry’s life. Changes it in ways that Barry could have never imagined… or feared.
That, My Dear Readers, is the four episodes of ‘Part 14’ that I have published so far. I am hoping… and will all good luck, tomorrow I will be publishing the next episode of Part 14. There are… well, it appears as though there are two or three more episodes that make up Part 14. Then we will move out of this moment in time and the clock will, once again, begin moving forward.
Remember, My Dear Readers, that while we have frozen ourselves in this moment of time? Tom, Archer and Timmy are frozen in their pursuit of treatment for Timmy’s wounds. Aye, there’s the rub! Timmy’s wounds. Do you, My Dear Readers, remember… something happening right before Tom picked up the broken body of his young son? Do you remember what Archer thought he saw?
What he caught a glimpse of, or at least he thought he did? Well, that will come into play… just as soon as we get back to the truck. The truck that is barreling headlong towards the Smithville Memorial Hospital. Driving at break-neck speeds, Tom is desperate to get his son’s broken body to the hospital in time. In time to save his son’s life, and in the process save Tom from finding Barry Gartuska… and committing murder, too.
Here we are, at the end of this review. My Dear Readers, the past two months… have been very difficult for me. And, now, are more than a bit of a blur. I am hoping that my life finds clarity, again. I hope and pray that I… find(?)… obtain (?)… get the treatment that I so desperately need. Only time will tell.
Thank YOU!
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