Monday, October 6, 2014

Notes from Behind the Keyboard - October 6th, 2014

[caption id="attachment_3515" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Danny Arrives @ Hospital for PET Scan Danny Arrives @ Hospital for PET Scan[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I have now ended a very nice three days of complete relaxation. I have read, enjoyed a few movies, and generally puttered around the house cleaning and doing laundry. I really needed that time off after that forty-five day grind that was my cancer treatment fund campaign. I would like to express my ‘Thanks’ and an apology to two very generous contributors whose names appeared nowhere, but are very deserving of praise. Sabrina Trujillo and Favian Zavala I would like to express my deep and heartfelt ‘THANKS!”. Sabrina and Favian took the time to; go to the store, shop for food and then bring it to my home!!!


They are very special in my heart, and I had totally forgot to express my thanks! Again, I apologize for the tardiness of my thanks, but the food your brought was great and we are still eating the breakfast sandwiches! Charity comes in many forms, My Dear Readers, an regardless of the form I must give thanks for each and every effort and each and every act of kindness and generosity. Sabrina and Favian are going to be receiving a special handmade “Thank You!” card from Hanning Web Wurx, later this week. I was, and am, deeply moved by the efforts, their generosity, and their kindness.


Today is October 6, 2014. Wednesday, October 1st, 2014, at midnight my Indiegogo campaign, to raise much needed funds to pay bills and for; food, transportation and caregiver’s time, ended. I had (I now realize unrealistically) set the ‘Goal’ for the campaign at $25,000.00. My Dear Readers I did not set that goal at a whim or out of avarice. It was set after careful planning and calculation of needs arising out of my care and treatment for cancer and the desire for better transportation and a better & safer place to live… outside California.


I am completely satisfied that my goal was not meet, and with the amount that I did raise. To be any thing other, would be to invite depression and greater upset. I am already deeply upset by my diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Believe me, that is enough to make any normal human being quite upset for some time. However, when it came time for me to produce written works for the benefit of my campaign? I put aside all my feelings and put my nose to the grindstone. From the very beginning I knew that I was in this alone. Mono y mono, my efforts against this bodily invader with no one to stand at my side and help to shoulder the burden. It would be my efforts; writing, posting, promoting, sharing, making and using ads and my efforts alone. That never changed.


Now, with the campaign at an end I return to my work here at The Other Shoe. My home, my site, my blog, my words. Now My Dear Readers, I am not too sure just how quickly I will be returning to my regular writing and publishing schedule. I hope that I find it in myself to return to my work, quickly. There are only twenty-five days until Halloween. I really want to have the conclusion to ‘The Horror in Smithville’ written and published before Halloween. That was the plan, all along.


Now, I am going to take my leave. As I still have to remove ads from one blog, upload and publish this article to both blogs, and make sure that both blogs are working properly.


To EVERYONE THAT HELPED! ‘T H A N K Y O U!!!!” Your efforts were not in vain, regardless of the outcome. I appreciate every single donation, every single dollar. However, if there are people that would still like to help? You can donate to me at anytime at PayPal ( I will likely remove that email addy in the next few days. I do not like having my email out there for people to use/steal. I will happily accept any donations or contributions. As anyone can see, I fell far short of my campaign goal, and far short of any amount useable for cancer treatment. I am not complaining, just stating the obvious.


In closing, I hope that everyone starts coming back, really soon. I hope that we can continue our writer-reader relationship for many years to come. I value each and every one of you, greatly.




Thank YOU!



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