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Danny Rolling Hills Estates[/caption]
Welcome back
My Dear Readers to
The Other Shoe. My Dearest Readers I come here today to make… an…
admission. I come here, to this blog… this blog with
over Six Hundred Articles… this blog that is over
four years old and has
over six hundred articles… to make an
admission. On March 10
th, 2010
I, Daniel Hanning, created this blog
The Other Shoe (as in ‘waiting for The Other Shoe to drop) for a
singular primary reason. Oh, there were a
lot of reasons I started this blog,
My Dear Readers. I had, recently, found out that I would
never walk the same… I would be in pain…
for the rest of my life… I had
stories to tell, that lived in my heart and mind. There were a
lot of
secondary and
tertiary reasons,
My Dear Readers, for me starting this blog.
But, there was
only ONE primary reason I started this blog.
AMERICA. My Dearest Readers there was
only ONE primary reason that, on March 10
th 2010, I started this blog. I was
gravely concerned about
America. To be more specific, I was
gravely concerned about the
political dialogue here in America. Extrapolating, I was
gravely concerned about the
tone of
political dialogue in
America. I was
gravely concerned at the immediate
tone of
political dialogue in America could/would do severe and irreversible damage to our
fragile Republic. Politics. .
YES, My Dearest Readers, the
tone of the
political dialogue following the election of President Barrack Obama had created a
genuine concern. I had a
genuine concern of the (possible) irreversible damage to our
fragile Republic. I created The Other Shoe as a counter weight to the, often vicious and hateful,
political dialogue that dominated some of our national media outlets.
My Dearest Readers, I created this blog in the hopes that I
could possibly help to create an
alternative to the growing;
negative, personally vicious, and often hateful hyperbolic rhetoric that (appeared) to be the
cornerstone of some of our national media outlets.
My Dearest Readers, I did not come into this blog without previous experience in;
writing, publishing and editing. Prior to starting this blog I had spent several years as the
Political Editor for the web site
‘All Out Games’. ‘All Out Games’ was (to be) an
international web site for gay gamers. Yes, that is correct. I had joined a group of young men that wanted to create a web presence for gay gamers, from all over the
world. To create place where
gay gamers, from all over the world, could come to and (without prejudice or hatred) discuss gaming… and
what it
was to be a
‘Gay Gamer’. At this time
World of Warcraft would not allow a
“Gay Guild” in game. When playing multiplayer online games, one of the
sure ways to get
kicked form a game would be to mention you are gay… or
act or
sound ‘gay’. .
We were the
only web site, in the world, designed and created (from the ground up) for that
sole purpose. After, only, a few weeks of posting to threads? The founder and administrator of the web site sent me a personal message asking me if I want to write articles for this web site. After only a few weeks of that, he asked me to be the
‘Editor in Chief’ for the sections;
‘Personal Computers’ (meant for tips on maintaining and upgrading PC hardware/software), PC game Reviews, and … … … POLITICS. For the next 18 months I did my very best to;
write engaging and informative reviews (that included in-game screenshots and short videos), wrote articles about how to maintain the personal computers and update/upgrade their hardware and software, and I wrote political articles. . ‘All Out Games’ was my
very first experience writing
political articles for
online publication. After, about,
two years I left
‘All Out Games’. I did
not leave, the staff, of that wonderful and supportive web site for
any reason that most might imagine. I
did leave the staff because
they (the owner/Admin)
totally changed format(s). It
went from
‘All Out Games’ a web site for
gay gamers (Mostly PC games, we didn’t really cover consoles)… went from
gay gaming TO… … … ‘Homo Mojo’ a web site devoted to… … … the review and promotion of… … …
gay videos. .
Now the admin, the writing staff, a majority of the regulars, and the group of
FoE’(s) [Friends of Enzo] begged me to stay on and keep writing reviews.
Oh, back then I wrote and published under the moniker
‘Enzo Matrix’. It had been my handle in most online games and in
World of Warcraft, too. There was a large outcry, from the readers and even most of the writing/editing staff, for me to stay on and
“keep up your great work”. I
did think and consider my course of action very seriously,
My Dear Readers. However, what I just could
not get past was just
how (people like
you, My Dear Readers) would
‘see’ me after publishing on a web site that
just reviewed and promoted gay pornographic movies. Remember, this was in 2005, and
attitudes about
pornographic movies were not the same as today.
My Dearest Readers I
really wanted (desired) to (one day) be taken
seriously as a
writer of political articles. I had
genuine concerns that,
IF, I spent any length of time writing and publishing reviews of
gay pornographic videos it would
greatly damage my chances of being taken
seriously as a political writer. I stayed on, as a web site member, for several weeks. I watched, the change, read the work of the writers and carefully considered my course of action. Remember,
My Dearest Readers, that
this was my
very first ‘paying gig’ as a writer. As well, I had a rather
large group of
followers that very much enjoyed my work.
only would I
loose a
paying gig, I would (likely) loose all my
followers, a viable outlet for my political works, and the
only real replacement for the work I was no longer able to do. It was a
very difficult decision and I labored over this decision for more than a week. In the end, I realized that writing reviews and promotional material for
gay pornographic materials and videos just was
not; (1) What I wanted
to do, (2) Was
more likely to
harm my future prospects than
improve them {finally} (3) I had
never really been a fan of… enjoyed… spent time watching
gay pornographic videos or magazines or
anything. It
really was
‘outside my limits of experiences. To this day I
feel I made the correct decision and I have no regrets.
This all took place the later part of 2005, and it ended up being the
correct decision for
more than the reasons I outlined so far. Because, it was in 2005 that my
state disability payments
maxed out and my application for
Social Security Disability reached its
second rejection. It was in 2005 that I went about hiring an disability attorney, going to a lot more doctor appointments, a
lot more X-rays and scans, and they discovered that even
more was wrong with my cervical spine. For the next
five years I did not publish but I continued to write, on my computer, and I played games as much as my pain allowed.
My Dearest Readers, when I started this article (Sunday night 12/14/14) I
honestly thought I would finish this tale in just a few pages and just one night.
WRONG! Now, rather than
try to
boil this article down to just a few pages more and publish a poorly written work? I have decided to make
this ‘Part One’ of a multiple part article. Edit this, tonight, and publish it for promotion tomorrow, Monday. Then, tomorrow, I will do my
very best to get to the
meat of my story and this article for publication on Tuesday or Wednesday.
When it is published will
greatly depend on
how my chemotherapy goes and
how my body reacts.
I am going to shoot for a Wednesday publication,
My Dear Readers. That way I will have articles published on; Monday, Wednesday and
Friday! Three articles in one week is a
good and
reasonable publication goal. It is
not my
previous goal of six to seven articles in a seven day period. However, it is
much better than my (for the past month or so)
one article every seven days. I
like this
new publication schedule because it is substantially
more writing published in seven days, but it is a goal that I
feel I
can meet!
So, I am going to go back and edit/review my work. Then I am going to upload this article to my blog(s), embed some images and schedule it for publication for Monday morning! Tehn, tomorrow, as I am getting prepared for
Tuesday’s chemotherapy I can finish writing the article. Label it is
‘Part Two’, edit/review, upload, embed and schedule for publication on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then I have just to create and write/edit/publish
one more article for Friday and I have
greatly increased my publication output!
My Dear Readers, let’s
remember that
‘when we left off’ I had left
‘All Out Games’ and was about to
win my Social Security Disability and Medicare benefits. Winning these benefits would allow me the
resources to purchase an all
new computer
and ‘Word’ software to
write. These
two factors would
really empower me to reach out and grab
‘The Other Shoe’! .
My Dear Readers I
am going to do my best to get you all caught up on the articles about my last TWO chemotherapy treatments, my (November) visit to my primary care physician, and all other medical appointments…
by the end of this year. From
right before my initial diagnosis I
promised to keep all of
you, My Dear Readers, in-the-loop. Keep you all up-to-date with my diagnosis, my treatment and the outcome of my treatment. I have
no intention to go back on that promise, I
know that a good many of you are
genuinely interested in my care and treatment and I
want to honor your caring.
I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading, today, and that you come back to read the conclusion of this article series. Tuesday I will be at the
Transfusion Center for my
chemotherapy. I do not know if I will be on Facebook, but I am pretty sure that I will
not publish on Tuesday… That is… unless, of course, I completely finish writing/editing/uploading/embedding
tomorrow. .Adieu!.Thank YOU!.
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Danny Does Chemo - Porta-Cath Ready For Chemoterapy Drugs[/caption]
© 2010 – 2014
Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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