Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, welcome to ‘Part Two’ of ‘To be, or Not to Be’! If you were here, yesterday, and/or you read the first part of this article… and you are here to finish by reading the second part of this article? FRIGGING KUDOS TO YOU! YOU… ARE…. A ‘My Dear Reader’!
We left off and I had, finally, won my Social Security Disability lawsuit, purchased a laptop computer and a copy of Microsoft Office. Thus giving me access, for the first time, to WORD! A writer without a good word processing software program is like a painter without brushes or paint. We, artists, all need good tools. Today, I am very fortunate to have; a Good Word Processor program, a Good Animation program, and a Good Newsletter/Business Card/’Publisher’ type program. Once this chemotherapy and cancer battle is over… and if I find myself… more financially solvent… you, My Dear Readers, just might fund yourself the audience to some really incredible animation and newsletters. It is all in ‘The Plan’… though… honestly… it is very difficult to reach for those goals… struggling with poverty/disability/cancer at Christmas!
It took me some time, once I had the laptop computer and Word processor, I had to screw-up the courage to put my words out there for everyone to read… and scrutinize. THAT took a lot of courage, yet on March 10th, 2010 I jumped in, feet first, into the world of public writing and (to a lesser degree) blogging. Quite honestly, I am not that great a blogger… but my writing makes up for my lack of… blogging skills. Now, for The Other Shoe to drop.
What was The Other Shoe? ONE too many times hearing/reading some brain-dead low-information voter schmuck asking for President Obama’s birth certificate, ONE to many times hearing/reading that President Obama hates whites, ONE too many times hearing/reading that ‘Liberals’ are retards = “Libtards”, and ONE too many times… … … that was the only voice. That was all it took to overcome my fear and trepidation about strangers scrutinizing my work/writing and throwing caution to the wind to defend the America I GREW-UP LOVING!
That is why I am here, again, today. I swear that if I hear another human being start regurgitating some hyperbolic idiocy about Benghazi I am going to puke blood out of my eyes. Before we go on? There have been; seven ‘investigations’, thirteen hearings, FIFTY briefings, and TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND pages of documents released[1]. And… ALL have exonerated this President, this Administration, the State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and my dog Spot. Thing of it is? It happened. It happened, and a very good man lost his life. Well, a handful (4) of people lost their life, and the U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens lost his life. FYI that was the first U.S. Ambassador to die on duty since 1979.
It is a terrible shame and we should do everything in our power to keep it from happening again. However, the fact of the matter is there is nobody, but the attackers, to blame. Period.
My Dear Readers, THAT is an example of the ‘Why’ behind the birth and origin of ‘The Other Shoe’. My Dear Readers I just grew too tired, head just too much hyperbolic rhetoric, and watched as people made millions tearing this great nation asunder. I watched, in horror, as ‘people’ made millions sewing the seeds of discontent into the hearts, minds and souls of (for the most part) good honest Americans. Oh, granted, there are ‘some’ that, well, this hateful/hyperpartisan rhetoric fits them like a handmade custom set of shoes (not that I have ever had a pair of handmade custom shoes… its just that those have to be such a fine fit that it seemed… to fit). J
I wrote, and published, and hashed it out online in Facebook with these ‘people’. Much to my chagrin? It did more harm to me, than it did to them. My father taught me, a long time ago, do not bother arguing with drunks. There is no way reason will change the mind of a person who’s reticular formation is under the influence of ethyl alcohol. It may not be the reticular formation, that is affected, in these ‘people’ but… whatever it is… they react the very same. This was the first two… to three years. In that time I lost friends. Some, because they were the very people that my father spoke of, others… because they could not sit by and watch me tear myself apart… trying to save’ people that do not want ‘saving’.
My health declined, rapidly. I fond myself unable to walk. I was tearing holes in the upper right corner of all my left shoes… and socks. My health declined and my finances suffered. Oy vey! Did they decline! I was in desperate need of a power chair to get around. A wheelchair would not do… because my left hand and arm were not strong enough to properly use a wheelchair. I would have been stuck in a wheelchair just going around and around in a circle to the left. Not gonna work!
So, I found myself in a major predicament. I need… desperately needed a power chair, and I did not have the funds nor resources to purchase one. This is when everything changed. In short order I found that… some people were willing to help… and they really could help. (They had means) Yet, there was a problem. The problem was with my political writing on my blog. WOOF! Here, in a matter of just a couple of years, my blog had gone from non-existence to something that people were willing to use as a foil against me. Deeply disturbing.
You know, My Dear Readers, I hadn’t thought about it… till now, but the comments that I should stop my political writing came, pretty much, right on the heals of my questions being used on national television to grill Republican leaders! No! I do not think one has anything to do with another. Yet, they did happen really close in timing.
So, two years ago I made a promise. I promised that I would no longer write political works… and I was assured that I would receive financial assistance. That brings us to today. (I know it is a bit of a jump… but I want to finish this up… and I want to save myself embarrassment) Today I am in desperate need for financial assistance. I cannot afford to foods I should eat, nor enough of them, to help my body battle this cancer. I have, already, received notification that Medicare/MediCal have not covered all the medical expenses (they usually do) and that… just to the end of August (PRIOR to the FOUR scans OR the Chemotherapy) there is $1,300.00 of unpaid “Uncovered” medical expenses.
My birthday has come, and gone, without notice of celebration… while I am fighting cancer… our 27th anniversary… Past without celebration… and now Christmas is set to come and go without a single ‘present’ or Christmas Dinner (Oh, I forgot to mention… there was no ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ either). Now, My Dear Readers, I can handle the; lost mobility, severe intractable daily pain, neuropathy, and now cancer. But… to have to face all of this… in Poverty!?!?
In POVERTY and I cannot write political works? Yeah, that doesn’t ‘add’ up, does it? So, I have come to two decisions.
First – I am going to write and publish political works, again. I am going to do my best to make them based in facts and politically accurate and non-partisan. I am not ‘out to hurt’ anyone of either party.
Second – I AM going to ask for support. My Dear Readers? I do not want to wakeup Christmas morning and want to eat a bullet. I pray to God that someone will help me to not have to face Cancer at Christmas in poverty! I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy! I really do not think that anyone should have to go through… this.
Finally, I am going to do my best to get back into the swing of writing several times a week. However, I am going to ask for your, My Dear Readers, HELP! It is not forever… I just would like for some people to care and help me to have a decent Christmas and Christmas Dinner! That is not greedy. It is just… I cannot handle being without proper food… a nice holiday dinner… chemotherapy… and abject poverty.
You, My Dear Readers, can help! You can go to PayPal and donate/send me (Daniel Hanning – Enzomatrix@earthlink.net) a donation (I mean… it would bee less than what some people spend on Starbucks in a week!)… PLEASE consider donating; $5, $10, or $20 and I can carve out a nice Christmas… a Christmas Dinner… and obtain the foods I need for a proper diet to battle cancer. Over the past four years I have written and published 600+ articles for you, My Dear Readers, to share and enjoy! Now… I am in genuine need.
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($2,295.00 Hanging Over My Head at CHRISTMAS... Shoot me now!)
Conclusion: I am going to return to writing and publishing some political works. They will, mainly, be about POLICY and less about PoliTICS. I will do my best to keep non-partisan and not personal. I want to write about the policy problems America faces… the growing racial problems… the growing economic inequality. PERIOD.
So, this is an announcement article about me resuming some political policy articles… and that I am NOT going to sit quietly in the corner and cry myself to sleep, anymore. I am going to ASK YOU, My Dearest Readers, for HELP! That’s it! I have come a long way… I have a long way to go. I hope that all of you, My Dear Readers, stay with me along the way.
Be SURE to check out the ALL NEW edition of ‘The Mars Report’ right here… tomorrow morning!
In conclusion. PLEASE take a moment… go to PayPal and make a donation to help me battle my cancer… and (maybe… just maybe) have a nice Christmas and a nice Christmas Dinner. Please?
Thank you for your consideration… you kindness… and your support.
Thank YOU!
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© 2010 – 2014
Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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