My Dearest Readers, Family, Friends and Followers -
My financial situation has become much worse! TODAY (December 14th, 2014) is the TWENTY-SEVENTH anniversary of the Very First Date between Allen and myself. I am very deeply saddened by the fact that as much as I would like… WANT to do something special for Allen to celebrate. However, I/we completely lack the financial resources with which to celebrate or enjoy this very important and… well… incredible anniversary! My parents only made it to their 25th anniversary! That Allen and I have made it to out 27th anniversary is… REALLY is an achievement to be proud of and that really deserves to be celebrated. On top of that… Christmas is just a WEEK away… and, again, I/we lack the financial means with which to enjoy and/or celebrate this wonderful and joyous occasion.
Therefore, My Dearest Readers I am asking for your HELP and ASSISTANCE! I know that there is little time left… but I just know that ‘If there is a will, there is a WAY!’ A way to help me to bring joy and reward Allen for how hard he works… how hard he works to keep me; bathed, shaved, to my appointments, to my chemotherapy, and sitting beside me each and ever; test, scan, treatment, appointment and EVERYTHING! HONESTLY… I really want to show him I care. I cannot; sell blood, sell organs, or enlist and/or participate in ANY drug trials or other experimental treatments due to my cancer. I wrote, here earlier. That I was going to see if there were any experimental treatments of drug trials that I could get involved with so that I could bring more money into the home. Money to provide a Christmas for Allen and myself.
Over the past two weeks I have contacted a half-dozen companies that conduct; drug trials, medical procedure trials, and experimental surgeries. ALL of them, after I told them that I have Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, told me that I was barred from participation in any kind of drug trials, medical procedure paid trials, or paid experimental surgeries. This really burst my bubble and plunged me even deeper into depression and rejection. NOW?
Now, My Dearest Readers, the ONLY HOPE I have is that somebody… someone… that reads my works… knows me on Facebook… or SOMEBODY that I went to PHS with… hears my story and… (I am really praying… every day) and… offers to help me out. There simply is not time for me to run and Indiegogo campaign. That was the way I raised the money for my power chair… and it was the way I raised the money I needed when Allen was arrested for stealing a truck (at 47!!!) RIGHT when the building we were living in was SOLD and EVERYBODY was being forced to move out!
Therefore, I am throwing caution to the wind and working as hard as I can… regardless of the effect on my health, during chemotherapy. I have decided that I am going to write and publish as much as I can in hopes that someone ‘sees’ my need and takes a few moments to lend us/me a hand in my time of great need! For ANYONE that wants to help? Please contact me through this blog, via Facebook, or through my email – Enzomatrix@earthlink.net.
You CAN send help, money, through PayPal by using my name Daniel Hanning and the email that I listed above. I sincerely apologize! This is NOT the situation that I wanted to be in at Christmas or at our Anniversary!!! I dread asking people for any kind of help or financial assistance… but what am I going to do!?! I cannot work… I cannot sell; my blood, my organs, do drug trials, or experimental surgeries! About the only thing left, for me, would be to stand out by the side of the freeway with a cardboard sign and beg for money. Please help!?!?
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Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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