[caption id="attachment_3844" align="aligncenter" width="225"]

Danny Hanning[/caption]
Welcome back
My Dear Shoevians to
The Other Shoe. This has been a
very painful week for me,
My Dear Shoevians. Heck, I am
always in
pain, in my neck or back, down my arms into my hands, or the back of my head into my cervical spine. The last neurosurgeon I saw told me, pint blank,
“Mr. Hanning, you will be in pain for the rest of your life. I cannot do anything about that, and any neurosurgeon that tells you they can… you should run away fast!” .
I am
extremely fortunate that I have Dr. Laurence Gorlick as my primary care physician and internal medicine doctor. He keeps me supplied in pain medications, and every few years increases the dosage or changes the medication. Without him, and his assistance with my pain, I am not sure I would still be alive. Nevertheless, it is because of this pain that I have not been writing and publishing, this week, as much as I want… or have managed since the re-launch of this blog.
However, there is
‘Good News’ on two fronts. One, I am feeling a little better and have pulled my laptop near to my bed and am working on a couple of articles for this week, this one included. Second, I
should be ready to announce the
expansion of
The Other Shoe! As I write this article I am working to upload my article base to
another blog location at
Blogspot! The addy will be
www.theothersshoe.blogspot.com Once it is up and running, I will post an introductory article at my existing blog locations.
Now that I have the
news out of the way, let me get to the meat of this article. As many of
you, My Dear Shoevians, know about every six months I publish a
‘Traffic Report’. Now, I do this for many reasons, not the least of which is that I enjoy sharing the limited success of my writing.
Yes, I work hard at; research, writing, editing and publishing at
The Other Shoe. When I see the traffic counter on the Blog Dot com location
stay over one hundred for a week or more…
YES I am very very proud! That has occurred over the past two weeks.
Yesterday, Tuesday May 6
th, 2015 the counter showed 113, today it showed 109. Unfortunately, I did
not get a
screenshot of the page with the counter in the 100’s. Now, I am trying to get the page up… and
of course there is a problem my blog location at blog dot com loading. This has occurred every since I started this blog location, it is the oldest and my
first location for
The Other Shoe. When
ever my traffic gets to around 100 a week, or more, the blog goes
dead. I fear it is because it is a
free blog webs server, and when traffic gets rather high they choke the server to my blog.
This was the
very reason I started the
secondary location at Word Press.
You know what, though? The
funniest thing happened when I started the second blog location. I attracted an
all new group of readers!
The Other Shoe at Word Press has
SIXTY individuals that read my work
just at the Word Press location! This adds to my overall traffic, and is the reason behind me adding the
all new location at Blogspot. I aspire to be a published author. A novelist, hopefully. The way I look at it is like
this; if I walk in to a publisher’s office with a well written, and edited, novel and
show that I have hundreds, if not
thousands, of people reading my blog writing each and every month? That
greatly increases my chances they will pay attention to my work, and
me!.Enough of everything else, and on with this years
Traffic Report! I am
very proud to share the results for this past month, and the past year, for
both blog locations. If you are one of my long time readers, then you will know that I usually have traffic number for
one of my blog locations, at Blog Dot Com. Today, I am thrilled to be able to share traffic numbers for
both my Blog Dot Com and Word Press locations! So, when you are looking at these images with the numbers showing, remember to
add the numbers from
both sites to get a better idea just how
big the
community is you blong to
My Dear Shoevians!.Below is the very first image of this traffic report. It shows the traffic to
The Other Shoe at Blog Dot Com, which I will refer to as
Number One Blog hereafter.
Number Two Blog will be the location at Word Press. The first several image will all relate to traffic at Number One Blog. In this first image we can see that over the past thirty days I had;
314 unique visitors, with 435 sessions and 683 page views. That means that, in the past thirty days, I have averaged ten unique visitors a day, that they have read about two pages, each, and have about 121 people that came back for another visit.
[caption id="attachment_4030" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Blog One-Month Traffic[/caption]
(Number One Blog One-Month Traffic)
.Now, I am sure that most of my readers here in America (and Texas) imagine that
all of my readers are in America and/or Texas. If
only this were true, it would be much easier to write for this blog.
Nope my blog(s), both, have an
international readership! This blog is read in;
America, England, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, and Russia just to name a few. The image, directly below, is a color map showing readership as shades of blue. The darker the blue, the more readers.
[caption id="attachment_4028" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Blog International Readership[/caption]
(Number One Blog International Readership)
.The next image below is a breakdown, by country, in numbers. This shows how many readers have visited the
Number One Blog location in the past month, by country.
[caption id="attachment_4029" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Blog International Readers Numbers[/caption]
(Number One Blog International Readers Numbers)
.289- America, 19 United Kingdom, 15 Canada, 11 India, 10 the Netherlands, 10 Germany, 5 for Australia Poland and Russia… in
one month! Man, the very first time I looked at the international numbers at Google Analytics? I about fell out of my chair! To understand/realize that
my work is read in; England, Germany, France, Russia, and the Netherlands! Just bows me away! I am so very flattered that
My Dear Shoevians span the
globe! Thank you my foreign readers…
THANK YOU! .Now, all of the images and numbers, above, are for the month from April 6
th, 2015 to May 7
th, 2015. However, one month at any given time does not really give us an accurate view of my readership. Therefore, the next several images and numbers are for the time period between April 6
th, 2014 to May 7
th, 2015, one year. Now,
My Dear Shoevians, I would like everyone to keep in mind that during this time period I was (for all intents and purposes)
down during my chemotherapy and for a couple of months afterward. So, that means that these numbers represent about
six months of
actual publication.
First, the image below shows all traffic to the
Number One Blog for one year.
[caption id="attachment_4033" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Blog One Year By Month[/caption]
(Number One Blog One Year By Month)
.You can
clearly see the
flat-line from October 2014 until February 2015. This is my chemotherapy and recovery time. What I wouldn’t have given for another writer… I asked a few people I know and respect their work. I understand and accept that they were unable to help. Below, is the same information dump, but this time it is all in numbers.
[caption id="attachment_4031" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Blog – One Year – By Numbers[/caption]
(Number One Blog – One Year – By Numbers)
.*Sigh* This shows that, over the past year,
Number One Blog has been visited 3,550 times by 2,303 readers viewing 5,367 pages.
Depressingly this is
way down from my 2013-2014 yearly stats. As I remember, the last time, I saw
over 4,500 visitors with 5,600 sessions and
over 7,000 page views. I
knew when I went into chemotherapy, that there would be a loss of readership. However, I do not think I could ever be prepared for these statistics. I know that there are a lot of
you, My Dear Shoevians, that are very happy to be a part of this large a readership.
I am
very happy to provide reading material and images and political and social editorials. I am
very proud to have the readership that I see above. I apologize… it was just depressing, for me. I will run this article, again, in October of this year. I know that the numbers will be much better then, and when I publish it again in May of next year.
Now we have finished the traffic reports for
The Other Shoe at Blog Dot Com (aka
Number One Blog). For the rest of this article I will present the traffic reports for the
Number Two Blog, which is
The Other Shoe at Word Press. This blog location has only been around for the past three years. Three years out of the four that the primary blog location has been up and running. As I explained, above, I started the
Number Two Blog due to the frequent problems with
Number One Blog crashing (as it is right now as I write this article). However, when I started publishing at Word Press a
wonderful thing happened. I
gained an
all-new readership! I am thrilled that I now have
two readerships one for each of the blog locations.
Due to the problems at the primary blog location,
this article will likely
only appear at the Word Press location, initially. I apologize to all my regular readers at Blog Dot Com, but there is nothing I can do when the primary blog location is crashing, as it is right now.The first image, below, shows the taffic for one month at the
Number Two Blog. .
[caption id="attachment_4026" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number Two Blog One-Month Numbers[/caption]
(Number Two Blog One-Month Numbers)
.The graphic shows that, over the past thirty days, this location has seen; 252 unique readers that have engaged in 252 sessions and read 376 pages of content. Compared to the primary location having: 314 unique readers that have engaged in 435 sessions reading 685 pages. The next image shows
international readers for the same one month period of time.
[caption id="attachment_4023" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number Two Blog International Numbers One Month[/caption]
(Number Two Blog International Numbers One Month)
.This shows that visitors break down as: 132 = America, 9 = China, 7 = Japan, 6 = the Netherlands, 5 = Germany & Russia. Hummm, at
both blogs Germany has
FIVE unique visitors. That is pretty darn interesting. Nest image is a
map showing the distribution of readers. The darker the blue color, the more readers in that country.
[caption id="attachment_4022" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number Two Blog International Map One Month[/caption]
(Number Two Blog International Map One Month)
.The next image is traffic for
one year at the
Number Two Blog. This is for one year from April 6
th 2014 until May 7
th, 2015 for the
Number Two Blog. .
[caption id="attachment_4025" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

One Year’s Traffic for Number Two Blog[/caption]
(One Year’s Traffic for Number Two Blog)
.This shows that
The Other Shoe at Word Press has enjoyed; 596 unique readers with 629 sessions reading 754 pages of content.
My Dear Shoevians this gives us are total, between the two locations, of;
2,899 readers with 4,179 sessions reading 6,121 pages read. .
[caption id="attachment_4024" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number Two Blog International One Year[/caption]
(Number Two Blog International One Year)
.The above featured graphic shows
international numbers for the
Number Two Blog. This shows a breakdown of readers as;
214 American, 37 = China, 37 = Russia, 19 Japan, and 11 South Korea. I
know each and every time I look at these numbers… these international numbers I am just blown away! That, in one year, nearly
two hundred people in England read my blog!@ Now, all I want to do is to
increase these international numbers, and
increase the number of people all around the world that read my work. That would be
awesome! .Now,
My Dear Shoevians, for the
final image of this article and the final statistic from the traffic reports. This image shows the number of
“Active” readers at the primary blog location. The top line in for the past thirty days, and the bottom line shows just the last
day. .[caption id="attachment_4027" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Number One Bog ‘Active’ Readers One Day – One Month[/caption]
(Number One Bog ‘Active’ Readers One Day – One Month)
.At the highest point, April 26
th2015, there were 460 (in one month) active readers and only 14 in one day. Fourteen in one day is nothing to hang your head in shame. That would equal 98 a week, roughly 400 a month and 4,800 a year! That is a good showing! Why I included this, was to show just how much the traffic has dropped, sue to my absence for my chemotherapy. Now that is behind me, I am hoping that I can keep up my weekly publishing schedule of 4-7 articles a week.
That about sums it up for this edition of
Traffic Reports for The Other Shoe(s). I am hoping to awake, tomorrow (Friday May 8
th) with much less pain and deliver a (late but better than not) edition of
Lost in Space’. You can look forward to
‘A Week in Review’ this Saturday and on Sunday an
all new edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’! .
“Thank you!” to all my domestic and international readers. I am moved by your readership and flattered by your loyalty to my work.
.Thank you!.Adieu!.[caption id="attachment_3856" align="aligncenter" width="630"]

Author/Editor Danny Hanning in Rolling Hills Estates February 2015[/caption]
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe