Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today is a extra special edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’! Today I would like to ask you, My Dear Shoevians, to join me in Welcoming Gryphon D. Hannning (click on the hyperlink to go to Gryphon’s Facebook Page!) to this storied article series. As most of you are aware… … … Alexander R. Hanning passed away, several weeks ago, after a long battle with failing health. I made him as comfortable as possible, prepared all his favorite foods, and held him 24/7 for his comfort. He was loved deeply, and will be even more deeply missed. Last edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ was a homage to Alexander.
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Again, this week let’s all put our hands together to give Gryphon D. Hanning! Gryphon is very young and even shyer. The first few attempts, at me capturing him on video, resulted in a whitish blur with black spots. This week, however, I was able, finally, to get some pictures of Gryphon and a video!
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(Gryphon Eating His FIRST Chicken Subway Sandwich)
I am hopping that Gryphon will make us laugh, and warm our hearts. He is working hard to achieve both, early in his young life. I have already grown to love him, and enjoy his company.
So, without further adieu… I give you Gryphon’s Premiere ‘Sunday Funnies’!
(Gryphon Sharing My Subway Chicken Sandwich)
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Thank you!
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© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
[…] Sunday Funnies – Gryphon’s Premiere! – “Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today is a extra special edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’! Today I would like to ask you, My Dear Shoevians, to join me in Welcoming Gryphon D. Hannning (click on the hyperlink to go to Gryphon’s Facebook Page!) to this storied article series. As most of you are aware… … … Alexander R. Hanning passed away, several weeks ago, after a long battle with failing health. I made him as comfortable as possible, prepared all his favorite foods, and held him 24/7 for his comfort. He was loved deeply, and will be even more deeply missed. Last edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’ was a homage to Alexander.” This, My Dear Shoevians, was a very difficult article for me to write and publish. You see, it was an end, of sorts. An end to the era of Alexander R. Hanning as the star of ‘Sunday Funnies’ and the beginning of an all new era of Gryphon D. Hannning as the new star. I never do well with endings… of anything, but especially of the furry little ones I come to care for and love. There will never be a day… a time when I stop thinking of Alexander. He had that big an impact on my life, my work, my soul. It was Alexander that was at my side when I was diagnosed with cancer. It was Alexander that was at my side when I came home after chemotherapy. It was Alexander that stayed by my side when I got sick, and was there no matter what happened. However, this article was the premiere for another furry friend, Gryphon D. Hannning. This is Gryphon’s premiere video and premiere edition of ‘Sunday Funnies’. I hope that everyone stopped by to enjoy his premiere and his antics. Enjoy! […]