Thursday, May 30, 2013


I TOLD YOU SO! (I have been writing @ The Other Shoe for 2 years) I felt this in my bones, I saw it in the division that has spread across our great land like a plague. THIS ‘New’ Republican party is NOT the one of ; Lincoln, Roosevelt, Nixon, Reagan or Dole. At least so says Senator Bob Dole (retired):

"Bob Dole no longer recognizes the Republican Party that he helped lead for years. Speaking over the weekend on “Fox News Sunday,” he said his party should hang a “closed for repairs” sign on its doors until it comes up with a few positive ideas, because neither he nor Ronald Reagan would now feel comfortable in its membership. "[1]


This is what I have been writing about here at Facebook and @ The Other Shoe. This Republican party is so radicalized and strained so far right that Republican LEADERS (of the past thrity years) do not recognize the party.

How do you know when you have gone too far? Now we KNOW.


"“It seems to be almost unreal that we can’t get together on a budget or legislation,” said Mr. Dole, the former Senate majority leader and presidential candidate. “I mean, we weren’t perfect by a long shot, but at least we got our work done.” [2]


Ask ANY of my Facebook friends (and some of my BEST friends here are Republicans) and they will tell you without hesitation; “Yes, Danny Hanning regularly posts about his perceived shortcoming of the Republican party…”. No doubt many of my Facebook friends have blocked my posts and status updates for saying EXACTLY what Bob Dole had the courage and conviction of his beliefs to say on Fox. Now the cat is out of the bag, the truth spoken by one of their own standard bearers.


Alas, I will not yet rest. I will continue to write, talk, and post about the sickness within this party. I will do my level best to post the direction that could be, the path not taken. For me, at least, this is a turning point. There is now hope for the future of this Grand Party. Now, I will wait and see. Will those who chastised me for speaking this before Senator Dole did, will they embrace the cold hard reality of the party they love? Will they be a part of change, or will they just dig their heals in and stick to their guns?

Thank you! 


[2] Ibid

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