Nadia was a very unusual and wonderful animal stop she displayed more personality, characteristics and intelligence than any rat I have had in my life. I have owned rats, often on, since my freshman year in college 1977. I understand that a lot of people have problems with rats. My next-door neighbor freaks out (literally jumps up and down screaming like something he bimbo on a chair). Especially in the case of my neighbor a fear a lot of what I see in people around wrath is just acting.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Brown Rat"]
(The Brown Rat – Rattus Norvegicus)
Let me give you a little history on racks in America. The rats we had here in America are rattus norvegicus (Brown Rat). When this species was named it was believed that most of the rats it came to America came from Norway. The other major species of rat is a Rattus Rattus (Black Rat) and is believed to have originated in India. The modern day Fancy Rat was bred in England in the 1850s. Do you know why the fancy rat was bred in the England in the 1850s? Well let me tell you a little story.
(Black Rat – Rattus Rattus)
One of the biggest past times (for men) in Victorian England was dog fighting. At this time, you see, rats were used in dog fighting as bait. The problem with the original rats they used (rattus rattus) is that the rats did not fight back. All the rats would do was run away. A gentleman from Ireland took it upon himself to breed a rat that was: domesticated, larger in size and would fight back in the pit.
(Fancy Rat - Blonde Hooded Rat)
It took many years but the industrious Irishman finally came up with the breed of rat that would box, the Fancy Rat. Now these fancy rats, when put into the pit with a dog, would tend to doge and take bites and would fall on its back and box the dog’s nose. It would not do fatal harm, but would scare the dog and add spice to the fights.
For the past one hundred fifty years fancy rats have been delegated to being breed in homes or the backroom of pet stores. This had resulted in the fancy rat becoming very domesticated but laden with many genetic problems. Nothing that makes them a danger to people or other house pets, these genetic deficiencies result in higher than average incidence of cancer and they get respiratory infections far too easy (compared with the wild cousins).
Having spent the past forty years (off and on) owning fancy rats I have developed a real affinity for them and learned the are very intelligent. They learn their names within days, they can be potty trained, they easily learn tricks and commands and they are extremely loyal. The experiences that I shared with Nakita and Nadia, Ben and Alice and now Alexander have given me a lot of ideas for novels. This is where Nadia and the Healing Light comes into play.
(Princess Nadia eating a Chocolate Zingger)
Nadia was the single most loving and intelligent rat I had ever had the privilege to share life. She made such a huge impact,, and left such a large gaping hole in my life I have decided to give her immortality. I will write a book and make her the main character. Hence, Princess Nadia and the Healing Light comes to life. However, it won’t just be Nadia, oh no. Nakita and Alexander, Ben and Alice will all have roles in my novels and all play large and vital roles.
(My Little Man, Nakita Hanning)
Well, I don’t want to give away the store so I will leave you with this: by the end of the first novel Nadia will place her life in danger, and that of her family and all of the Clan, just to try and save a human’s life. The human is named… Daniel.
Thanks for dropping by and as always…
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