via Trump defends 'blood' comments | MSNBC."If you think Donald Trump has anything to apologize for this Sunday, then you’re probably a deviant.
So said the billionaire real-estate mogul turned presidential candidate on multiple Sunday morning shows, as the GOP presidential candidate refused to apologize for his criticisms of Fox News host Megyn Kelly, which many in his own party had deemed misogynistic.
“I have so much respect for women and I will help women in terms of the health issues,” Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press.”
“I was one of the first people to put women in charge of big construction jobs,” he added.
During the first Republican presidential primary debate Thursday night, Kelly, who was moderating, confronted Trump with his history of referring to various women as “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” then asked if that reflected “the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”
Trump called Kelly’s question “ridiculous” and “off-base,” in an interview with CNN the following day.
“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes,” Trump told CNN host Don Lemon on Friday night. “Blood coming out of her wherever.”
Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. As I told you, I am going to keep all of you, My Dear Shoevians, up-to-date on the fall of Donald Trump. Today, Sunday August 10th, while making appearances on several of the Sunday Morning Political Talk Shows Mr. Trump doubled-down on his "blood coming from wherever" comment at the Redstate convention. Where on would think that a politician would have much better political sense, than to stick-to-his-guns on generally negatively reviewed comment.
Americans are used to our politicians making faux pas but we expect them to, at the first opportunity, to clean-up or backtrack from statements that generally offend. Now, I do not consider myself a "deviant". I am a normal red-blooded American that likes steaks and shrimp, enjoys fishing and camping, and loves the Christmas Holidays. However, according to Mr. Trump, it appears, that I am a "deviant"!
While appearing on Meet the Press, Sunday, Trump told Chuck Todd that when he said "Blood coming out of her whatever." That he really meant that by "whatever" he really meant "Kelly's ears and nose"! Seriously? OK, let us take this in context. Trump was complaining that Megyn Kelly was "attacking" him and it was due to irritability, right? So, since when has a woman being irritable generally attributed to bleeding out of their ears and nose? Everyone knows what Mr. Trump was referring to, right?
Yet, instead of owning up to his; insulting, disgusting and sexist remark he doubles-down with "ears and nose". Then, as if that is not enough reverse-damage-control? Mr. Trump adds insult to injury by adding; "“I went to the Wharton School of Finance, the toughest place to get into. I was a great student. I don’t talk that way.” ???? What, pray tell, does going to a finance school (not a prepatory school, not a parochial school) have to do with learning how not to treat women when it comes to discussing the reproductive cycle in public!
With that, My Dear Shoevians, I leave you with Trump's newest political debacle and wish you a very Good and Productive Week! As always, if you have enjoyed your visit here today? Please, be sure to 'Like' and 'Share' this article with all your; family, friends, co-workers and Facebook Friends through your social media outlets. There are very convenient icons, at the bottom of all articles, to make this task easy!
Thank you!

Danny Hanning Writer, Editor, Research Staff and Publisher at The Other Shoe
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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