1(A Precious Black Hole)
Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Today is Tuesday August 25th, 2015 and this is the most reecent edition of (and the return of) 'Coming Soon to The Other Shoe'. When I started by battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (nearly one year ago) I stopped publishing this article series. I did this because... well, My Dear Shoevians, I did not want to promise articles and have my health prohibit my keeping a promise. Today I a, going to give it a go and write and publish my very first edition of 'Coming Soon to The Other Shoe' in a long, long, time.
This week I am working to bring you, My Dear Shoevians, over a half-dozen images from the Chandra X-Ray Telescope. These images are striking to see, and incredible in what they share. This is my very first time sharing images from this source, but it won't be my last. The top image, for this article, is just one of the many I have prepared for presentation... hopefully, tomorrow! I have one other article that I am working hard to get ready for presentation.
(President Eisenhower Quote about Joe McCarthy)
My Dear Shoevians, I know that a great many of you are reading outside of America. First, I would like to “Welcome!” all my readers from around this great world. I want you all to know that I cherish your readership just as much as any of my American readers. Next, I am deeply concerned about our Republican Party here in America. I have made it abundantly clear, my concerns about the 'base' of our Republican party, and I have not and will not shy away from my journalistic responsibility to speak; truthfully, honestly, and credibly. The American Republican Party is on the WRONG path. With Donald Trump (a REALITY TV star) leading most polls, it is clear as day that our Republican Party has lost its way.
Later, this week, I will be sharing an article that is quite close to my heart. In this article I will, do my best, to show the parallels between the rhetoric of the 'McCarthy Era' and current; Republican Presidential Candidates, Republican Congressmen, Republican Senators and (worst of all) “Conservative Media Outlets”. For many years now I have 'seen' the parallels, and watched with growing concern and genuine loathing. Well, the time has come that I put my concerns to paper and shared them with all of you, My Dear Shoevians.
The, recent, rhetoric of Donald Trump is some of the most; racist, bigoted and misogynistic rhetoric I have heard in my entire 57 year life. This should be of grave concern to a majority of Americans. However, it is not. This troubles me deeply, and I know that a plurality of intelligent people (all over the world) are watching this vulgar display of sophomoric and hateful rhetoric and wondering “will Americans reward this grotesque behavior” treating out national political dialogue like a reality television show. This has gone on for too long, it is doing real and substantive harm to America's international image and it is time that at least one journalist (myself) writes and publishes his concerns.
Those are the two articles that I have planned for publication later this week. I am really working hard to get back to a more productive publishing schedule. However, my pain and physical limitations are not cooperating as much as I would like, or need. I would like to say 'Thank you!” to every single one of you, My Dear Shoevians, that keeps coming back and reading. Coming back and reading and 'Liking' and 'Sharing' my work. My writing.. my blog(s)... they are my life! I am completely unable and incapable of working are 'real' job. My neurological and physical damage and limitations are great, but I simply must keep busy and productive.
Know this, My Dear Shoevians. When I have a 'Good Week' I WILL write and publish more! When I have a 'Bad Week' I will not be able to write and publish as much as I would like... as much as I would hope. Regardless, 'Good Week' or 'Bad Week' I WILL keep; researching, asking questions, sharing wondrous images, and informed and educated views and opinions. That is my PROMISE to all of you, My Dear Shoevians.
Thank you!
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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