I feel, and this is my humble opinion, that a lot, today, is made of what is ‘missing’ from Christmas. The desire to “put Christ back in Christmas” and that somehow the materialism of Christmas is ‘all bad’. You might not know this but, a majority of America retail corporations go from red ink to black ink, during this holiday season. That is to say that Holiday sales are where these American retail corporations become profitable. These American corporations greatly depend on holiday sales. As well, when holiday sales are down that is bad for the G.D.P. (Gross Domestic Product) of this nation.
Don’t get me wrong I am in no way advocating for people or you, My Dear Readers, to go out and ‘max out’ your credit card(s) or worse overextend yourself during the holiday season. I am just saying that materialism is good for our nation’s retailers and that (truly) the giving and receiving of presents (at this holiday season) is an expression of the love so important to Christmas. Even I, with my greatly limited the financial means, spent money this holiday season.
Allen received a whole new outfit of clothes, two packages of underwear, a package of socks, and various kinds of chocolates and sweets. Unlike many Christmas past, my portrayal of ‘Mr. Christmas’ did not happen. I was unable to go out, behind Allen’s back, and purchase Christmas presents for him.
There was no awakening, on Christmas morning, to Allen finding presents under the tree that were not there when he went to bed Christmas Eve. Further, I did not receive any Christmas presents at all. Allen having clothing for his new job took priority to me receiving any presents. I knew this to be the case, more than a month ago. I feel that some of the depression I have felt… I tired my best to find ways to finance a better Christmas. I failed.
Thanks to the generosity of one of My Dear Readers, a benefactor in England, Allen and I enjoyed a very nice Christmas Dinner. If you have me as a friend on Facebook, check out my Photos, and you will see several photos I took of our Christmas Turkey, Green bean casserole, and my famous Garden/Herb Stuffing. Ian’s generosity was pivotal to our Christmas Dinner. I am forever in his debt.
I did also purchase a black ink cartridge for my printer. I needed this cartridge so that I could print up a Demand Letter. This letter is going to the gentleman that stole $300 from me in October of this year. For those of you that are just beginning to read my blog? I will explain this, briefly.
In October of this year I was in the process of moving out of the apartment I had been in for the past decade. My caregiver and roommate of the past 26 years, Allen, was out of town on family business. I did not know when he would return so I was using Craigslist to help me find someplace new to live. After speaking with 8 to 10 people, over a period of three weeks. I ran across a gentleman by the name of Lawrence. Lawrence and I corresponded several times via email, culminating in us setting up an appointment for me to meet him in his home.
I met Lawrence and his home, looked at the room that was available, discussed my disability and that Allen was my caregiver and would be moving in, eventually. The gentleman, Lawrence, understood all these things and made it clear that if I wanted to move in I needed to leave him with the deposit on the room before I left that day. Quite luckily I only had $300 of the $400 he was asking for deposit. I left him with a $300 and got a handwritten receipt from Lawrence. Roughly 60 hours later I found out Allen was going to be back much sooner than I thought. In fact he was going to be back in time to move in to the new apartment the day I moved in.
I immediately contacted Lawrence and let him know that Allen would be moving in as well and asked him if this was a problem. Lawrence immediately indicated, without hesitation, that it was not a problem that everything would work out. As well, expressing that in the worst case scenario Allen would rent another room he had available in the same house, at a much reduced rate. Later that evening Lawrence called me up on the phone to tell me that he had changed his mind and “feel you have harmed us both… Therefore I am keeping your entire deposit”.
That is correct, without ever moving in, without due consideration, and without any legal reason to do so; Lawrence stole $300 from me when I needed the most. His action nearly resulted in me ending up homeless. I have corresponded with him, one sided, since October. After contacting the Civil Court system, here in Orange County, I was instructed to send a ‘Letter of Demand’ and on the 2nd January, if Laurence does not repay the deposit money, I will be forced to take him to court and sue him.
$300 is a lot of money to me, My Dear Readers, is nearly 1/3 of all the money I get to live on every single month. Quite frankly if he had returned that money I would never have needed Ian’s generosity, and I might’ve actually got at least one Christmas present this year… for myself! I am hoping to put together, and published, this coming week a ‘Year in Review’ for this blog.
However, there is a bit of a problem. Starting Wednesday evening of this week I begin to experience a new type of pain in my left hand. Shortly before sitting down to have Christmas dinner I noticed that my left hand was quite swollen, and red at the knuckles. As the evening wore on my knuckles began to pop repeatedly and there was a feeling like someone had poured hot sand in my knuckles. Searching on Google, Web M.D., and other online sources I think that I have developed arthritis in my left-hand. I have greatly decreased use in my left hand, shooting pains in my left hand. This has resulted in me using my left hand very little. From what I’ve read the fact that I don’t use my left hand and that it sits, most of the time, beside me in my lap has led to arthritis developing in the hand. I don’t really have much feeling in my left hand I’ve burned it stuck it with sharp objects, all accidentally of course, and felt very little. However, this pain is in the bones and in the joints and is carried in a different nerve velocity… Regardless of all the medical mumbo-jumbo this pain I do feel. This onset of arthritis in my left is the reason I haven’t written in the past few days. I apologize that I have allowed this condition to come between you and I My Dear Readers.
I promise that I will redouble my efforts to get back into posting every week, as many times as possible. This arthritis in my left hand is just terrible. The grinding… the painful popping and the redness and swelling. It is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, to this point. However, I’m going to do my best to not let this new disease state increase my depression. I don’t enjoy being depressed. If you know me from high school, or from working with me or as a friend in real life you’ll know I’m an extremely gregarious upbeat fun loving person. This depression, I’ve experienced, is very much out of character for me and I find it difficult to cope with, the medications are helping.
That brings us to the end of this mid-holiday week update, My Dear Readers. I hope to have more for you soon. Again, I hope that everyone, each and every one of you, had a very Merry Christmas and spent it with lots of the people that brought you happiness and love. I hope that you got everything that you wanted under the Christmas tree, and even more. I will write again soon, I’ve missed you dearly, and in case I don’t write before. I would like to wish each and every one of you a very happy and prosperous New Year.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank you!
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