The Mars Report
September 13, 2012
I just downloaded a new batch of images from Mars. I hadn’t intended to write this article till later in the week, but I have the images and better to get this done, than put it off and be in too much pain to do it later. [this was written September 13, 2012] Now, for first image, well it may well be the best image of the article. I know, I usually “save the best for last”, but I just might be breaking an old habit. This is an image, from the Curiosity’s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI). Actually, I think all of our images today are from the MAHLI. This is a high definition image of a penny. This 1909 penny is used as a calibration for imaging devices on Curiosity. I was impressed they used a 1909 penny. You can see the build up of Martian dust, on this penny.
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The next two images (still from Mars and from the MAHLI) are of the receptor for soil samples, that is about to be used. These two images are from a testing process that JPL engaged in, today, to test and calibrate instruments to be used tomorrow to test Martian soil. The first shot, here, is of the receptacle with the lid closed.
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- Soil Receptor with the door shut. This is the receptor for Martian soil samples.
Oui, now with the lid OPEN! (Joy!)
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The next two images are of Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) on NASA's Curiosity rover, with the Martian landscape in the background. This mast, of Curiosity, is a multi-headed beast! I wonder what a life form might think, if it ran into Curiosity in the dark.
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Side-shot of the same mast on Curiosity rover. This is a creature of many ‘heads’.
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That brings us to the end of this installment of The Mars Report. I thank you for coming by and reading, and appreciate your time. Have a great day tomorrow and I hope to see you here on Friday. The weekend is well within reach!
Thank you for all your generosity and kindness.
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