Looking back, I can see that The Other Shoe has been here through the health care debates and the end of military action in Iraq. I have written; political works, comical works, historical works and (most recently) the synopsis of my life. The Other Shoestarted out to be a voice of reason and facts in an ocean of falsehoods and vitriol. That was my goal that was my motivation.
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Medical circumstances have, kind of, high jacked The Other Shoe. When I started I had imagined that in September of 2012 I would be posting, everyday, political articles and supporting the truth in politics. From the very beginning I have not wanted to be partisan. I was a ‘Reagan-Democrat’ and know all too well that no single party has ‘cornered the market’ on what is best for our nation. I understood that if I sought to share truth and ‘out’ lies and deception, that would be the best thing I could do for my country.
Things change. “The best laid plans of mice and men…” or, another one I heard today; “If you want to see God in action, make plans.” Aye, there is ‘The Other Shoe’!
I want to thank everyone that is reading this, today. I want to thank everyone that has ever visited my blog or liked an article. Because if it were not for YOU? Why, I would just be talking to myself! I don’t need to exacerbate my pain; writing, editing (the best I can, of my own work), publishing and promoting my work and this blog just to hear the sound of my own voice. Right now, today, I keep working and keep pushing the limits of me bearing pain for one reason. HELP
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I understand, today better than any other time, which I have reached out and asked for assistance at the single worst time in recent American history. This is the absolute worst possible time to reach out to my fellow Americans and ask for their assistance. Yet, you (my readers, supporters, funders and friends and family) have beaten the odds, dug deep and given me the resources I need for my mobility. For that, I am forever in your debt and those are not just words spoken without thinking. From the very first day, I was overwhelmed by the generosity I received. I was in a state of grace, and knew.
Now you might understand the shame I felt when I realized I made a terrible mistake. So focused on the mobility device I stupidly overlooked the ‘how’ of my situation. Yes, I will now have a mobility device in my home and in my home I will use it as much as I can but in my home it will stay. It will stay, in my home, because of the overlooked ‘how’. How will Danny get a 200-300 pound ‘Power Chair’ down a flight of concrete steps that separates my residence from the rest of the world? How stupid can one man be?
At first I tired to ‘extend’ the parameters of Daniel’s Power Chair Assistance Fund (and why not, it was a huge success), but that dog won’t hunt. I received strong and adamant backlash from people whom I hold great respect. Still, I desperately tried to extend the success of the first campaign and met with failure. I received a private comment that I should start another funding campaign “just for the moving expenses”. I initially resisted this idea. I was seriously concerned with ‘appearances’.
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I didn’t want to appear as some internet panhandler, which was/is my greatest fear. This is the very moment when The Other Shoe stopped being a political blog and became the ‘Home’ of ‘The Story of Daniel’ and both my Indiegogo funding campaigns. I decided that I would do my level best to write, inform, and entertain and that in so doing I was providing a service. That my requests for assistance, coupled with my regular efforts @ The Other Shoe, were an equitable exchange. I thought I had found a way out of my shame.
I don’t know, right now. Yes, I am discouraged. However, right now is a time for celebration and accolades. I am extremely happy to have posted my 100th article @ The Other Shoe (@ blog.com, the Word-Press blog is @ 20) and I am proud of myself. Through all the pain, through all the self-doubt, through all the naysayers and doubters I have prevailed.
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It was via my work on this blog that my words reached around the globe. On July 31st, 2011 these words were spoken on ‘Face the Nation’ (and they were MINE!)
“Why are Republicans ALLOWING ‘Freshman’ Congressmen CONTROL this debate? They are the LEAST experienced members of Congress and know the LEAST about real governance. It is like letting teenagers control the family budget.”
(Found here: http://theothershoe.blog.com/2011/07/danny-hanning-quoted-on-face-the-nation/)
Bob Shieffer asked this, my question, of Senator Mitch McConnell on Face the Nation! It was one of the greatest days of my life, and I think of it often.
However, if it had not been for the work I was doing here @ The Other Shoe I am certain those words would not have formed in my mind on that day. The mental political exercise I experienced @ The Other Shoe honed my ability with words so that I might make the statement Mr. Shieffer asked of Senator McConnell.
On this, the anniversary of the 100th article, I reflect on one of my greatest moments in political writing. Thank you for being part.
P.S. The "100 Articles" is @ the Other 'The Other Shoe' @ http://theothershoe.blog.com/
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