I just NOW got a call from: Health and Human Services (H.H.S.) overseeing Medicare. Well, actually I got a call from Merle AT H.H.S. today. SHE WAS SO NICE TO ME!
Ok, be a skeptic… tell me how because they are sitting there with a letter from the White House… forwarded by one of his assistants… how they wouldn’t dare to not be nice to me… Horsefeathers. Merle didn’t have to listen to the whole story. Merle didn’t have to talk with me and ask questions and actuallytake ownership of the problem… BUT Merle DID! It is so refreshing to see government work. Seems now; I am going to get a follow-up call from the person in the office most familiar with the P.M.D. benefit AND there is going to be ‘questions asked’ of the two vendors that refused to help me in the first place. GOOD!Merle was bothered by the fact that one vendor had; Radiology reports, Physical Therapy reports, MRI reports, MRI scan images, an complete physical with me (video taped, too), an entire hourwith my doctor and, yet, still refused to provide me with the prescribed mobility device.
This is GREAT news. No, it will not result in me getting my power chair. I know… this is my life. When I was fired from my last job, did I get the benefit of the Department of Labor Investigation? Nope. BUT, every employee of Domino Realty NOW is covered by F.M.L.A. So, all those people DID benefit from my efforts. Same here, will I get my power chair? Not bloody likely. However, people behind me that go to get a power chair, they will have an easier time than I. Loverly.
Thank you for your geneoristy and kindness in this, my time of need!
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