(My Writing Computer Desktop)
Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. First, I would like to extend my heartfelt “THANKS!” to Jason Kleppinger for his donation of $25.00 to my 'Computer Repair Fund'. This is my very first donation and I am hoping that, with the publication of this article, I might reach more of you, My Dear Shoevians, and convince you that my need is great and genuine. In this second article, regarding the death of my writing computer, I am including images of the; desktop, Device Manager, Device Tab and others as evidence that (in fact) my laptop (writing) computer is damaged and does need repair.

(Device Information 'Welcome' Screen)
Since I first wrote of this problem I have been able to get two (over the phone) estimates for the cost of the repair. The estimates (so far) range from $225.00 to $460.00. Of course, I am going to take the computer to the repair company that offers to do the work for the lowest estimate. So far, that is $2250.00, but that is “sight unseen” and could go up (slightly) more if there is more wrong with the laptop. My Dear Shoevians, I have run several diagnostic programs on this laptop and have come to the conclusion that only one problem exists. The 'Display Adapter' is not working. I have: rebooted, removed the battery and let computer stand (without power) for two hours then rebooted, booted up without the 'Repeater-Extension' module connected, and 'Uninstalled/Reinstalled' the display adapter twice. All to no avail. The image below shows the 'Device Manager' with the error indicated with the 'Display Adapter'.

(Device Manager with the Display Adapter Shows and Not Working)
In order to see the image better, just click on the image and it will take you to a full screen display of the image, this is true for all the image in this article and all images on my blog(s). You can clearly see the Yellow Triangle with the black apostrophe indicating that the problem device is the 'Display Adapter'. This would be a very small problem with a desktop computer. Just as easy as buying a new (or used on eBay) Graphics card and installing said card into the computer. However, this is a laptop computer and that means that the 'Display Adapter' is built into the motherboard. That means, in order to fix the problem, the motherboard must be replaced.

(Display Adapter Tab in Device Manager)
The image, above, shows the 'Display Adapter' tab in the 'Device Manager' showing that there is a problem with that device and Windows has not/will not start the device until the problem is resolved. As I have indicated I have gone through any/all trouble shooting for this problem I could find; one the Windows web site, Tom's Hardware web site, and the nVidia web site, too. I am very much certain that the replacement of the motherboard will resolve the problem I am having, and return to me my writing laptop computer.

(Display Adapter Tab in Device Manager)
My Dear Shoevians, I deeply apologize for this... intrusion into your life... asking for help/assistance is not something that I enjoy or relish. Matter of fact, it really rubs me the wrong way and I work very hard to avoid these situations. However, this has become an unavoidable reality in my life. Again, I deeply apologize for writing and asking for your financial assistance in this matter.

(Desktop with Display Adapter Tabs Open)
Again, 'THANK YOU JASON!!!” for your generous contribution of $25.00. With ONLY F I V E more contributions of $50 or more I will have the funds I so desperately need to pay for this much needed repair. I have a real and deep bound with this machine. Over the past seven years I have written; over 650 articles, TWO questions USED BY Bob Schieffer on 'Face the Nation' (to question Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker Rep. John Boehner), 200+ pages of 'The Horror in Smithville', 100+ pages of 'The Adventures of Princess Nadia – The Healing Light', newsletters, business cards, fliers and a brochure design (all for Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe).

(System Specifications in Welcome Tab)
With your contribution(s) (via PayPal) just use enzomatrix@earthlink.net and Daniel Hanning. The repair company HB Computers will be the company making the repairs on my HP DV9500t CTO laptop computer. This laptop computer, when new, cost me $2,000.00 and it still works incredibly well (aside from the display adapter not working), and with this repair I am certain that it will serve me another five years and another 500+ articles plus two more books in the 'The Horror in Smithville' series and two more books in the 'The Adventures of Princess Nadia' series.
My Dear Shoevians, I do hope that you consider the information I have shared, look at the desktop and device manager images, and PLEASE consider assisting me in this venture of repairing my (desperately needed) writing computer. I have priced new laptop computers and found that a laptop (17.3' screen, Geforce Video Card, three USB ports, extender port [an HP QuickDock 2.0 Docking Station – which I OWN] and a full sized keyboard with number keypad) would cost me between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00. This, investment, of $225 - $350 is a fraction of that amount and well spent.
Again, please go to PayPal to make your donation to Daniel Hanning enzomatrix@earthlink.net to help me get up and writing and publishing again... soon. Thank you for your time and effort... THANK YOU for your consideration and kindness... THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you do to HELP!
As always, if you 'Like' and 'Share' this article, via your social media outlets, it will greatly increase the chances I meet my goal and obtain my working writing laptop... Again!
P.S. Dear Family, Friends, Facebook Friends, and Followers of The Other Shoe;
P.S. Dear Family, Friends, Facebook Friends, and Followers of The Other Shoe;
BELOW is a scan of the receipt for my $50 payment for Diagnosis &/or Deposit towards REPAIR of my 'Writing Computer' with HB Computers in Huntington Beach.
I am still quite berfet of the FUNDS I NEED to PAY for said repairs... ... but I just HAD to FIND OUT; IF it can be repaired, HOW MUCH it would COST to Repair, and WHAT is WRONG with this (eight year old) writing computer. My Dearest Family, Friends and Followers... Over the past FIVE YEARS I have written and PUBLISHED more than 650 articles at my FOUR blog locations. ALL these articles (along with one NOVEL 75% DONE and ANOTHER Novel 25% DONE)... I REALLY DO N E E D this computer to write and publish. Without this machine... my voice WILL fall SILENT.
ANY amount of help WILL H E L P! I AM sorry to have to ask for help... I am just unable to work... and this month I am BACK to my Oncologist...
PLEASE take a moment... and PLEASE consider lending me a HAND?
Thank you,
Danny Hanning
P.P.S - The Owner of H.B Computers told me he WILL "accept payments from ANYONE that calls and offers to HELP with the cost of REPAIRS. He ACCEPTS ALL major credit cards and WILL apply ANY/ALL monies towards the REPAIR COST(S). If you want to HELP.. but not to send ME money? The Phone Number is right here.. Call and ASK FOR AMIR! Thank you!
Thank you!
Danny Hanning Writer, Editor, Research Staff and Publisher at The Other Shoe
© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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