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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My goodness has it really been over a month since I last posted? Yes, it has! For most of you, My Dear Readers, this comes as no surprise. My battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma has taken the last little bit of strength from my body. Leaving me quite bereft of the physical abilities needed to write and publish. Normally, I would apologize for this extended hiatus, today... I am not. My adventure with chemotherapy has come to an end.
Unfortunately the chemotherapy did not have the desired results. From what I am told, these drugs did not “knock back...” my disease as much as my oncologist has anticipated. Therefore, we have started a round of radiation therapy. This will last another couple of weeks, and then I will be finished with all the toxic... exposures. With any luck, once I am finished with this current treatment I will be relatively free of this cancer.
My Dearest Readers, I have many videos from the past several months. Videos of me heading to treatment, videos of me during treatment, and a few of Prince Alexander playing and being my little boy rat. It is my desire and intent that, once I am recovered from these treatments, I will be sharing all of these videos with all of you. My Dear Readers, I genuinely long to return to a regular and full writing and publishing schedule.
Do you all remember what that was like? Five to seven articles every single week. A weekly edition of 'The Mars Report' with all the newest information and images from Curiosity and the Opportunity rovers. Weekly editions of 'News From Around the World' with all the news that does not appear on the major media outlets web sites. Weekly editions of 'The Horror in Smithville' with the latest antics of Timmy and Archer if their fight against 'The Tall Man' and the upcoming adventure @ the Harvest Carnival. Weekly editions of 'A Week in Review' and the antics of Prince Alexander in 'Sunday Funnies'!
I have not forgotten all the wonderful articles and all the wonderful experiences that we shared here at The Other Shoe. Nor have I forgotten how wonderful it is to write and entertain all of you, My Dearest Readers, from all over this great planet Earth. I really had no idea just how bad these chemotherapy treatments would slam my health. I really had no idea just how much these treatments would negatively effect my neruopathy in my left hand. I really ad no idea just now bad things would be, or I just might have opted out of getting these treatments.
All I can hope is that you, My Dearest Readers, will come back once I start writing and publishing, again. For I have dearly missed all of you... deeply. I would like to promise that this weekend I will return to my regular writing and publishing schedule. However, I have never lied to you, My Dearest Readers, before and I am not about to start now. Terrible as it may be? Just writing these two pages has taken a great deal of energy and focus. Looking back? I really am amazed at the amount of content I generated all by myself. Over just under five years I wrote, edited, and published nearly SIX HUNDERED articles for your reading pleasure.
When I consider all the effort that goes into just one edition of 'The Mars Report'! Downloading images for the article, writing the article and embedding the images, uploading the images on to both blog servers, uploading the text, and then integrating the images (and adding descriptions) for as many as ten images. Honestly, it would take me up to four to six hours just to get from start to finish for just one edition of 'The Mars Report'. It was a labor of love, My Dearest Readers. A love of all things extraterrestrial, and a love of all of you My Dearest Readers.
Well, that brings us to the end of this edition of Notes From Behind the Keyboard'. I do hope that all of you, My Dearest Readers, keep checking back and drop by often. With all luck and a bit of extra strength, you can look forward to me adopting a partial publication schedule by the end of February, or the first of March. I know that, sometime in March, my oncologist will start (again) the process of 'Staging my Cancer'. That will mean PET scans, blood tests, and most likely another bone marrow test.
As always I will keep all of you, My Dearest Readers, fully informed on the results of these tests. Fear not, even if I loose this battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma? I will continue to write and publish so long as I have life. It is my heartfelt desire to complete 'The Horror in Smithville'. I already have the final chapters in my head... and the bloody and violent conclusion... it just is not on paper or saved on a hard drive. It is my deeply felt desire to start, and finish, 'The Adventures of Princess Nadia', too. At least the first book of the series. If I have my way, I will manage to write (and get published) all FIVE books that will make up her story.
In closing, I would like to take a moment to say “Thank you!” to; Ian Cottier, Jason Kleppinger, and James Coate for their kind support during the holidays past. Without their kindness and support I would not have had the genuine thrill of a Christmas Dinner or ANY presents under the tree. Times are tough all over, and I fully understand. I am just thrilled to have friends, and My Dearest Readers, that care enough... and trust me enough to make donations to help me find some small happiness. I am hopeful that when I get my novel works finished... that I find a receptive publisher. That I can get my works published... and never have to ask for the help or assistance of friends, readers, or family... ever again. I just hope that I make it that far. :)
Thank you!
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Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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