Friday, February 1, 2013

The Death of the Tea Party

I started this blog, back in 2010, to “stand against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them…” I had faith in the America people and that faith has been rewarded. The Tea Party is dying on the vine. Sarah Palin is gone from fox and fox’s viewership is falling. President Obama’s approval is 60%, and the number of solid Blue states beat the number of solid Red states 20 to 12 in the 2012 election. All the signs are here and my love and faith in the American people has paid off. Well, sort of.


In September of last year (at the peak of the 2012 elections) I made a conscious decision. From July all the way to September I had worked hard to try not to alienate my friends and family, in the South, with my political views. I was working to raise money for a much needed ‘Power Chair’ and to move me from the ‘Extended Stay Motel’ I live in (with no elevator, or way to get my power chair downstairs) into a safer building that was ‘Wheelchair Friendly’. The building, I still live in, has had seven shootings in five years, three deaths, one riot, and drugs running in and out every day.


I sought to write and post and hoped to rally support for my cause, to move out of danger and into a safe home. However, the election was drawing close and the numbers for President Obama did not look good. I knew that if I kept quiet about my prophecies and President Obama lost, I would regret my decision for the rest of my life. In late September I broke with my policy of political silence and began posting and writing political works, again. My ‘Daniel’s Moving Assistance Fund’ failed, just as I had predicted, and I knew that my unpopular political views were the nail in the coffin.


Today I read the headlines and realize that my prophetic writings were correct, but that they cost me my opportunity to move. I still live, in fear, in the same motel. Being on the second floor, I have used my Power Chair all of five times since October 14, 2012.  I have no regrets, but it is difficult to know that I was correct in my writings but damaging to my safe future. We all make choices, and we all learn to live with them, and I will live with my choice.


After the campaigns were over, and the election done, I thought of running another campaign. One just to get me to a safe and disabled-friendly building. At that time I was given council that I should not do that under any circumstances, from what I thought was a good and long-term friend. Since then, this friend has unfriended  me on Facebook without so much as a warning or message. I have messaged him, texted him and tried to find out why he dropped me as a friend. To no avail. This hurts deeply. I have no idea what I said or did, and no way to find out. However, since he has ended our friendship I am now reconsidering starting a new campaign to raise the funds I need to move to safety.


First, I would like input, feedback, on this idea. Second, I am not physically capable of writing as much as I did late last year. This article, alone, has taken me two days to write and post. My caregiver is offering to help me purchase a ‘Speech to Text’program, so that I can write from my bed without needing my hands nearly as much to work. If that assistance materializes, I am hoping to start writing again. I miss everyone that comes and reads my work. I miss the socialization, I miss the support… I miss the love.


What do you  think?

Thank you for your kindness and support.


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