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Angry Sanders - THE Sanders the Democratic Party DOES NOT Need!
Welcome back to The
Other Shoe, My Dear Shoevians! I have been rousted, from my health related hiatus, to stand in defense of my political party. For the past fifty-three years I
have been an active and informed member of the Democrat Party! I have actively supported; President
Carter, President Clinton, and President Obama at the Presidential level. I
have worked with Congressional and Gubernatorial campaigns, both here in
over the past fifty-three years I have engaged myself (sometimes deeply) in
more than a six Presidential elections.
I have watched them, closely, and (over the past five years) I have written about them, too. Today, I am
writing about a recent change in the
Democrat Presidential nomination campaigns (Primaries). Today is April 7, 2016, and it was yesterday when I noticed a level of negativity
and hyper partisanship never before witnessed in all my years of
watching Presidential elections.
Dear Shoevians, in order for all of you to understand just how we arrived at this situation… and for all of My Dear Shoevians that
are not Americans… let me back track
just a bit. On April 1st, 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders met with the New
York Daily News Editorial Board for an interview… and, not advertised
as such,.. BUT to evaluate Senator
Sanders for their endorsement. This is common practice, by newspapers and media
outlets, and there was nothing unusual about the meeting or of the questions asked
of Senator Sanders. Now, if the story
had ended there (and it could have… if only Senator Sanders had properly prepared…) I feel that these campaigns might not be engaged in the negative
dynamics I am writing about, here today.
is the single most well written article about the Sanders’ interview with the
This was a common thread among the many media outlets
that chose to weigh in on Senator Sanders’ interview. It wasn’t ‘The End of the World’, nor was it an
interview to be dismissed out of hand… not
even close! So, My Dear Shoevians, what is
Senator Sanders’ single biggest claim for change as he runs for the Democratic
“These huge banks must be broken up!”[2]
Ok! That is a big ticket item for
Senator Sanders’ campaign, right? So, then My Dear Shoevians, why is it that
when the editorial board for the
1. Breaking up the banks
Daily News: Okay. Well, let’s
assume that you’re correct on that point. How do you go about doing [breaking
up the banks]?
Sanders: How you go about doing
it is having legislation passed, or giving the authority to the secretary of
treasury to determine, under Dodd-Frank, that these banks are a danger to the
economy over the problem of too-big-to-fail.
Daily News: But do you think that
the Fed, now, has that authority?
Sanders: Well, I don’t know
if the Fed has it. But I think the administration can have it.
Daily News: How? How does a
President turn to JPMorgan Chase, or have the Treasury turn to any of those
banks and say, “Now you must do X, Y and Z?”
Sanders: Well, you do have
authority under the Dodd-Frank legislation to do that, make that determination.
Daily News: You do, just by
Federal Reserve fiat, you do?
Sanders: Yeah. Well, I
believe you do.[3]
.One would think that… well, IF you are going to make ‘breaking up the big banks’ like your theme for your campaign? One would think that he would have a ready and well researched and disciplined answer, correct? Aye, there’s the rub! . Because this is the real motivation behind Sec. Clinton’s remark: . “"I think he hadn't done his homework and he'd been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn't really studied or understood," Clinton said, "and that does raise a lot of questions."[4] . So, My Dear Shoevians, let’s be honest… about two things: .
Hillary did not say
“Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be President” anywhere in her
interview with ‘Morning Joe’
Somehow Senator Sanders
got the idea in his head that Sec. Clinton did say “Bernie Sanders is
not qualified to be President”… or, at least, that is what we all are now being lead to believe.
.Right there that is where the two campaigns for Democratic nominee for President of the . As of today, April 8th, 2016 the negative dynamics have quieted… somewhat… for both campaigns. However, My Dear Shoevians, I have yet to hear and apology from Senator Sanders for his unbridled rhetorical attacks on Sec., . That segways, nicely, into my next topic for this article; Zombie Politics, Zombie Candidates and Facebook Zombies. First, Zombie Politics. . Zombie politics is the act of a campaign, or its supporters, going off on a tangent without the leadership of the candidate! It is one thing for an informed candidate to steer a campaign into socially murky waters. The whole world has born witness to both the Trump Campaign and the Cruz Campaign steer themselves and their followers into socially murky waters. Comments about; one’s genitalia, the appearance of one’s wife, lusting after one’s daughter, and “Vienna Sausage fingers”. THAT, My Dear Shoevians, IS ‘Zombie Politics’. Where the campaign takes on a life of its own, and it is a sick and disgusting life. . .
“Trump is extraordinarily unpopular with independent
voters and Democrats.
“But Trump, despite having assembled a devoted and
enthusiastic group of supporters, doesn't do as well within the GOP community.
His favorability rating among Republicans is 59 percent, according to a January
A Bloomberg poll
in late January had Trump ahead in the GOP field but with looming problems
unifying the party: 42 percent of Republicans who did not support Trump said
they could not be convinced to support him.”[7]
Quoted from “The
Most Hated Candidate”[8]
As well, the numbers do not lie. According to
most non-partisan polling, Donald J Trump has unfavorable numbers among;
Hispanics = “Today, 8 in 10 Hispanic voters have an
unfavorable view of Trump. That includes more than 7 in 10 who have a “very
unfavorable” impression of him, which is more than double the percentage of any
other major candidate.”[9]
AND within his OWN party;
Trump's Unfavorable Numbers
“As Allahpundit notes, Trump is (-42) on the honesty metric, nearly twice as bad as Hillary Rodham Clinton.”[10]
So, My Dear Shoevians, a ‘Zombie Candidate’ is a candidate for a
political party that is the ‘Frontrunner’
for the nomination, but has no
chance whatsoever of being elected. Bingo!
That is a ‘Zombie Candidate’!Now, My Dear Shoevians, you may be asking yourself “Why are you bringing up Trump when explaining the ‘Zombie Candidate’?” Good question. Because, the Sander’s campaign is in a very difficult and untenable position, and they might not even know it, yet. Unlike the Clinton Campaign the Sanders’ Campaign has acquired (through no fault of their own??? I am not so sure… considering the attack he unleashed that was, he found out later, unfounded) ‘Facebook Zombies’! (perish the thought!) . What is a ‘Facebook Zombie’? A Facebook Zombie (aka Troll) is a certain ilk of Facebook member that uses their (or an) account for the sole purpose of attacking people that are not of a like mind. We all know them, we all have seen them, and some of us have fought them… to no avail (more about that at the end of this article). Often, these ‘Facebook Zombies’ (when you look at their profiles) have NO; pictures of family or friends (when you look at their pics you just seem meme after meme after meme), no ‘personal’ posts (only political posts, slams at other Facebook users that are not of a like mind, and hate speech), and hate speech. The later, there, is a hallmark of their ilk. . When they come on to a thread, suddenly all reasoned conversation or debate goes out the window. Suddenly, people you know and respect, are being labeled; libtard, stupid, kool-aid drinkers, Obama-clones, and the like. There is no middle-ground of these Facebook Zombies it is either their way or the highway! They can take a leisurely Sunday conversation and turn it into a living hell of insult and propaganda. Their posts are marked with insults on our sitting President on everything from his birthplace, to the color of his skin. You can spend a whole weekend posting links to completely reputable sites (like NASA, the World Health Organization, World Wildlife Foundation, and non-partisan news media outlets like PBS). They will not be shaken from their parroted position. THESE ARE ‘Facebook Zombies’! . As I started stating, above, the Sanders’ campaign has drawn this anti-social breed of Facebooker to him. I fear… it is not by accident, and that it has happened is not without reason. The incident, I explained at the beginning of this article, is just the type of character flaw that these Facebook Zombies are drawn to , like moths to a flame. As well, if you look back into Senator Sanders’ video taped history… you will find more than one occasion where he has acted… well… in an unprofessional and even politically inept fashion. Again, these social media monsters are drawn to these actions… and the people that enact them. . However, I do believe that they do NOT reflect the true nature of Senator Sander’s campaign, or that of Senator Sanders. Let me be clear, I do NOT think that this is what Senator Sanders wants. I do not think he has done anything untoward to draw them to him. They just seek certain attributes out. . Now, let me come to the ‘Near Close’ of this article… so I can get it published today. First! BOTH candidates for the Democratic Party nomination need to work harder at keeping OUR nomination process above reproach! BOTH CAMPAINGS! Neither is perfect. Neither is guilty. BOTH CAN BE USED! Next, WE DEMOCRATS need to help keep the narrative (on Facebook and all social media); adult, professional, honest, sincere and GENUINE. It is only then that we will draw the disenfranchised and independents to our party and our eventual nominee. THAT should be the REAL and eventual goal of BOTH Secretary Clinton’s and Senator Sanders’ campaigns! . Next, we (the real Democrats) need to be on the look-out for ‘Facebook Zombies’!!!! Now, when you see one (and believe me you will!) DO NOT ENGAGE!!!! That is how they spread!!! Steer clear of all ‘Facebook Zombies’!!! Do not be afraid of; Blocking them, unfriending them, and reporting the worst offenders! By doing so? You not only protect yourself, you help to protect others! Remember ‘Steer Clear of Facebook Zombies’!!!! . In conclusion, as I mentioned in passing above, I would like to take the final moment of this article to make a little personal confession. In my personal life (right now) I find myself engaged in many… battles. My battle with cancer. My battle with a degenerative neurological disease that is (slowly but surely) nibbling away at my personal freedoms, mobility and strengths. Unfortunately, this take arms against a sea of troubles… and by opposing end them’ mentality I take with those personal battles sometimes seep into my social life. For that, I would like to express my deep and heartfelt apologies. . I have done my level best to, now, recognize and negate this negative and hurtful aspect of my mentality. I find, with each and every passing day, that I am getting better and better at being the man I want and not being the battle. My Dear Shoevians, I do seldom (if ever) do this on my blogs. However, if you know me on Facebook… that is where I have fallen. I just want it known that I have faced this monster, and am winning this battle, one posting at a time. . Adieu! . Thank you! .
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Friday, April 8, 2016
The Problem with Political Zombies
Election 2016,
Sanders v Clinton
Westminster, CA 92683, USA
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