"The New York attorney general suggests that Donald Trump may be taking the stand soon in a court case about the now-defunct Trump University. The news follows a New York court decision that the lawsuit filed by the attorney general against the former for-profit institution will proceed to trial, after a settlement could not be reached."Source: Donald Trump Will be Called to Testify in Trial About His 'University' - ABC News
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today is one of those rare opportunities when I have ‘Breaking News’ to share! (I have grit my teeth, against growing serious pain, to bring this article to you, today!) I am certain, in my conviction, that this is an article that every single; Democrat, Republican and Independent should… nay, MUST read! If you want to know Donald J. Trump, then you simply must read this article.
I am going to step aside, as commentator and narrator, and allow the linked article to speak.
“The New York attorney general suggests that Donald Trump may be taking the stand soon in a court case about the now-defunct Trump University.”[1]
Now, this is the “University’ (I attended University, Clear Lake City, Texas) and ‘Trump University’; was no university.
“The news follows a New York court decision that the lawsuit filed by the attorney general against the former for-profit institution will proceed to trial, after a settlement could not be reached. "I am very pleased the judge has indicated her intention to move as expeditiously as possible to trial, as thousands of Mr. Trump’s alleged victims have been waiting years for relief from his fraud," Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement released this afternoon. "We believe that Mr. Trump and Mr. Sexton will be essential witnesses at trial. As we will prove in court, Donald Trump and his sham for-profit college defrauded thousands of students out of millions of dollars," Schneiderman's statement said, referencing Michael Sexton, the man who approached Trump about starting the program.”[2]
Now, let me repeat some of what I just quoted: “the judge has indicated her intention to move as expeditiously as possible to trial, as thousands of Mr. Trump’s alleged victims have been waiting years for relief from his fraud," Thousands of Donald J. Trump’s “victims” are awaiting relief from “HIS FRAUD”! . Strong words to catapult a legal action into the headlines. Hopefully, into the headlines of every major; network, newspaper, and media outlet and all the internet, too. That is why I have taken time, today, to put this article together and bring it to you, today!
"We believe that Mr. Trump and Mr. Sexton will be essential witnesses at trial. As we will prove in court, Donald Trump and his sham for-profit college defrauded thousands of students out of millions of dollars," [3]
Schneiderman's statement said, referencing Michael Sexton, the man who approached Trump about starting the program.”
Yes, we should be allowed to read the deposition of both Donald J Trump and Michael Sexton. It is time that these fraudulent perpetrators be deposed and brought to justice! . Here is more of the background of this lawsuit, from the linked article.
“Potential students took part in a free seminar, "at which Trump University instructors would recommend signing up for a three-day seminar which cost approximately $1,500 at which the instructors would teach certain real estate strategies," a 2014 court decision states. From there, enrollees would allegedly be urged to sign up for the Trump Elite Program, which included year-long mentorships with a starting cost of $20,000, the decision states.”
Now, did all of you, My Dear Shoevians, read and understand that last quote? Potential students were milked for; First: $1,500 for an introductory meeting then milked further for Second: $20,000 ‘seminar’ on real estate. This is a classic confidence game, classic rip-off of people seeking to improve the lives of them and the people they love! Now, for those that might think that this was a real education class(es)? Read the next quote, below.
“The program changed its name after the New York State Education Department contacted it in 2010 stressing that it was not licensed in the state. Shortly after, it changed its name to "Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC."[4]
That’s right, it was no longer an educational/vocational university it was merely another “Entrepreneur Initiative”. Just another way Donald J Trump sought to DEFRAUD Americans from all walks of life. He defrauded: teachers, laborers, college students and ever retirees!!!! Donald J Trump must appear in court! That is the intent of the Attorney General of the State of New York. To depose, the put these men on the stand!
“The lawsuit from the New York Attorney General's office was filed in 2013. Initially, the state supreme court ruled that only claims from 2010 on would be allowed, but the Attorney General appealed that decision. In early March, a court ruled that claims dating back to 2007 can go to trial. Under the expanded timeline, the AG's office believes up to 5,000 people nationwide could have claims against the company. The lawsuit is seeking $40 million in damages for those impacted. A Manhattan supreme court judge will set a trial schedule shortly, after the hearing today failed to resolve the matter. Two active class action lawsuits in California are making similar claims.”[5]
Now, My Dear Shoevians, you read that correctly. This case is also being heard right here in California. That, in time, Donald J Trump will be coming to California, and it will not be to campaign! This is very important information for all Americans! Be sure to ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ this article so that everyone has a chance to read this news!
Be GOOD to One Another!
© 2010 – 2016 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
[1] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-called-testify-trial-university/story?id=38685355[2] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-called-testify-trial-university/story?id=38685355
[3] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-called-testify-trial-university/story?id=38685355
[4] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-called-testify-trial-university/story?id=38685355
[5] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-called-testify-trial-university/story?id=38685355