Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. In my last article, the very first since my computer problem, I expressed my “Deep and Heartfelt Thanks” to all of you, My Dear Shoevians,that donated to my ‘Computer Repair Fund’. Today, my reason for writing is twofold. First, I wanted to share the proof that the donations I accepted actually did go for repairing my ‘writing computer’ (my HP DV 9500t CTO Notebook Computer). So, I present to you, My Dear Shoevians, scans of the receipts from H.B. Computerz..
(Scan of Original Receipt for Repairs)
.As I explained, on Facebook and via; personal messages, emails and phone calls Amir (the owner ofH.B. Computerz) quoted me a price of: .
- $195.00 for motherboard repair )parts included)
- $130.00 for screen repair (parts included)

(Second View of the Repair Receipt)
Second, I wanted to take the time (right here, today) to express my genuine gratitude to Amir, Samand all the staff at H.B. Computerz. I could tell that Amir, and all his technical staff, took their work very seriously and treated every customer with respect. Each and every time that I called I was helped expeditiously and professionally. I have to tell you, My Dear Shoevians, that that has become a rarity in America. This level of service and professionalism is (now) the exception and not the rule. That is unfortunate, and the major reason that I have taken the time to write this article of“Thanks!”. As well, I wanted to make sure that all of you, My Dear Shoevians, that live here in Southern California (mostly South L.A. and North Orange county) that there is a great place to have your computer work preformed.
(H.B. Computerz Sticker)
.Now, H.B. Computerz is not limited to just repairing computers. Rather than just mention all the services that they provide, here is a listing from their web site (you can go to their web site by clicking on their name anywhere in this article, or on any of the stickers and/or business cards). .
- What We Do
- Mac or PC
- Servers
- Networks
- Data Recovery
- Remote Support
- iPhone, iPod & iPad
- Asset Liquidation
- Buy – Sell – Trade
- Office Relocation and Set-up
- Corporate Partnership
- IT Support for Home Users
- IT Support for Small Businesses
- IT Evaluations – Systems & Security
- IT Solutions for HIPAA Compliance
As you can see, MY Dear Shoevians, if you have a computer or data need, either personal of corporate, H.B. Computerz has you covered. Just to make sure that I have made my point: . Amir, THANK YOU for your complete and professional service on my laptop computer. THANK YOU!

(H.B. Computerz Business Card)
.I hope that Amir, Sam and all the technical support and sales personnel have a chance to see this article. Their service has been very important to me, as it has given me back my Voice on the Internet! With my four blog locations: . The Other Shoe Primary Blog Location The Other Shoe’s Oldest Blog Location The Other Shoe Secondary Location The Other Shoe Most Recent Blog Location . I will be expressing my “THANKS!” and I will be posting free advertisement for the next month… or so. It is just my way for showing my genuine gratitude for your professional work, and the great deal you gave me on the repairs. You can rest assured that any and all computer work and repairs I need in the future? I will be taking my business to H.B. Computerz.
That brings us to the end of this article for today, October 15th, 2015. Now… for a little blog business.
My Dear Shoevians, I wanted to take a moment and touch base with all of you. When I posted my article of heartfelt thanks to those of you, My Dear Shoevians, that kindly donated to my ‘Writing Computer Repair Fund’. I indicated that I would be returning to a regular publishing schedule as soon as was possible. I would like to express my sincere apology for not reaching that goal, as of yet.
I am not too sure as to why I have encountered the physical problems I have… since the return of my computer. I know that last; Friday, Saturday and Sunday I spent ‘out and about’ taking care of errands (like picking up the repaired computer, purchasing a new UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) to protect my newly repaired computer, cleaning my writing desk, cleaning my power chair, and doing nine loads of laundry.
What ever the reason, I awoke Monday morning with both my hands swollen up like two ‘hand shaped’ balloons. I could barely move my fingers, and there was an extreme amount of pain; in my hands, in my neck, and in my lower back. This difficulty has been prohibitive, with regards to reaching my goal of writing and publishing on a regular schedule. However, my hands are improving and I hope to meet this schedule starting this next week.
I thank you for your understanding and support. I have continued to do my research for images and news on; Curiosity on Mars, the New Horizons Flight, and more and more images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Let me assure you, My Dear Shoevians, that there IS plenty of new and inspiring material for me to share. Just as soon as my pain subsides, my hands return to their regular size and I have full dexterity back? I will begin the work of returning to a regular writing and publishing schedule. Hang in there!
Thank you!

© 2010 – 2015 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
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