Welcome back My Dear Shoevians to The Other Shoe. Yes, here I am again today. I know that this is highly unusual, and I am really pressing my ability to sit up and write… but THIS! Well, what I am about to share with you was posted on Facebook by a friend of mine. His name is Pat Kendrick and he still lives in Texas, in Sugarland. In the five years, well in March five years, of this blog I have never published anything posted on Facebook.
I have never been allowed the privilege on showcasing their words here on my blog at The Other Shoe. Today that changed! Today I have been given the esteem privilege of publishing for you, My Dear Shoevians, of sharing some very powerful words directly from the heat of the Great State of Texas. Finally, I would like to say “Thank you!” to Pat Kendrick for the honor of sharing his incredible words… his insight… his vision.
Now, without further adieu, I give you… “Texas 2014 a Year in Review” by Pat Kendrick:
“Texas 2014 year in review: Governor Rick Perry indicted on 2 felonies.
Attorney General Gregg Abbott sues Obama twice. Once over Obamacare, once of immigration, Ted Cruz is still a US Senator from Texas, Abbott elected Governor, Texans turns their backs with hate toward kids trying to escape tyranny and terror, no Medicaid expansion leaving 10,000,000 Texans uninsured, 49th in education, 1st in minimum wage jobs, a new Lt Gov who led the charge to fire 11,000 teachers and thi...nks ISIS is our greatest threat in Texas, Kim Kardashian got married twice or 2 more than the number of Texans who died in the fake Ebola scare, open carry let people with penis envy carry AK 47s around town and in stores, voter ID laws restricted voting though no evidence at voter fraud exists, Texas women have their constitutional right of choice virtually eliminated by draconian laws, Louis Ghomert, Joe Barton, and Blake Farenthold are actually Congressmen from Texas, and our textbooks now list Moses as a founding father and slavery not such a bad deal. A glorious year in Texas politics. I'd say 2015 has to be better but I'm scared I'll be wrong.”
And people wonder ‘why’ I won’t go back to Texas, even to visit. Yet, My Dear Shoevians, I cannot help but feel that I have… somehow… abandoned my fellow Texans to the butchers. That is how it feels to me… inside. I LOVED growing up in Texas… I LOVED being a Texan. That is… until… things changed.
Now, the whole world can clearly see that not all Texans walk in lock step. That there are many Texans that do not approve of the dire and draconian changes happening in my home state. laugh I don’t know how long it has been since I referred to Texas as my home state. I haven’t visited in nearly thirty years. It is the state of my birth. Yet, I am ashamed. If you have read Mr. Pat Kendrick’s words, above, and you were from Texas, wouldn’t you be ashamed?
Again I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for Pat Kendrick for the privilege of sharing his words with all of you, My Dear Shoevians.
I have become... suddenly.. very tired. I knew that I was pushing too hard… and I still have to copy/paste to two blogs… proof and publish.
Thank you!
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Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe