Welcome, My Dear Shoevians, to ‘Journey to LA –August 9th, 2106’ right here at ‘The Other Shoe’! It is great to be back here writing and publishing on my blog. The Democratic Primary is now over so I can feel free to write and post what I really feel with (less) fear of recriminations. Secretary Hillary Clinton is the ‘Democratic Party Nominee for President’ and (at this moment in time) she is walloping the (dubious and nefarious) Donald ‘Thieving’ Trump by double digits in most polls. However, that is not the thrust of today’s article.
Today I am here to relay the events, and videos, of my most recent trip form (my home in) Orange County all the way into Rolling Hills Estates/Rancho Palos Verdes of Los Angeles. It is a long and, often, arduous journey for myself and Allen (my caregiver/roommate). For your viewing enjoyment, today, I have several ALL NEW pictures. These images were taken at Disneyland and in Rancho Palos Verdes during my journey. As well, there will be four All New Videos for your viewing pleasure. I hope that all of you, My Dear Shoevians, enjoy reading this article and viewing these videos and images as much as I did providing them to you!
The video, above, was taken in the parking lot of the building I live in just prior to the OCTA Access bus arrived to transport me to Disneyland. For those of you, My Dear Shoevians, those are new to this site (and my ‘Journey to LA’ series? Once each, and every three months, I make a very long (and tiresome… often upsetting) journey from here in Orange County (Huntington Beach to be exact) all the way (past Long Beach and San Pedro) into Los Angeles. My final destination is the Promenade on the Peninsula. In the image, below, you can get a good idea of the journey I make… via Public Transportation (for the Disabled). I start from the right side of the image where you see ‘Westminster’ and travel all the way to the left side of the image to the red marked above ‘Dr. Gorlick’ in Rolling Hills Estates.
(Map of Southern California Showing Start & Finish)
.Now some of you, My Dear Shoevians, might (reasonably) wondering “Why?” do I make this long and tiring journey every three months, and with good reason. Dr. Gorlick is my doctor. I started under his care back in 2005, when I was approved for Medicare (finally) and was able to pick my own doctor. Since I have been under his care I have; undergone surgery (Cervical Fusion) on my neck, fell victim to a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) (a type of mini-stroke), developed ‘Left Foot Drop’, become confined to a power chair, been diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, undergone chemotherapy, and (most recently) been diagnosed with (now) “Severe Degenerative Disc Disease” “Severe Spinal Stenosis” “Multiple Herniated Discs” and (now) the discovery that the degenerative disc disease is now in my lumber spine, too.
Through it all Dr. Gorlick has ‘had my back’! When I come to him needing a power chair, he helps me get all sorts of paperwork to a prosthetic doctor (even though that… nut case REFUSED to SUBMIT the paperwork) Dr. Gorlick HELPED! When I discovered a lump under my chin, he examined it and referred me to a doctor that helped diagnose my cancer. When I was diagnosed with cancer Dr. Gorlick (again) gave me the name of an Oncologist that he personally knew! When I come to him and I am unable to bear the level of pain, he helps by increasing my pain medications… time and time again!
(Danny @ Disneyland with Matterhorn in Background)
.THAT is “Why?” I make this (often arduous) journey ever three months! I am very fortunate to have found a doctor as experienced… as knowledgeable… as compassionate… as caring and considerate as Dr. Gorlick that accepts Medicare! I was lucky to have found him, some eleven years ago, and I am fortunate that he continues my care. Now back to the journey, itself. My Dear Shoevians, I have to be honest (as I am in all things) and tell you that this journey? Well, this journey was one of the most uneventful… quickest and most enjoyable journeys of all that I have made to Rolling Hills Estates in the past five years!
(Danny at Dr. Gorlick’s Office August 9th, 2016)
For five years I have sat at Disneyland, dropped off by OCTA Access, to be picked up my LA Access. Every single time we have made, at least one, stop during our journey into L.A. However, not this time! This time the driver was a Trainee and there was a supervisor in the back with Allen. There were no pickups. There were no drop-offs! We traveled, quickly, from Disneyland to Rolling Hills Estates and made it there in about an hour! That gave Allen, and myself, time to pick up a little lunch at the Subway in the mall next to where Dr. Gorlick’s office is located..
As well, on the ride back there was only one person to drop off, and then it was a quick ride into Orange County. This time I even convinced the driver to use the Carpool Lane (I know… you would think that they all would want to use the carpool lane!!... Not so!) The drive home was quick and uneventful and that left us (Allen and I) the time to make the Final Video that you see above! My Dear Shoevians, that video was one of the very best I (feel) I have ever made! It was fun! It was spontaneous! And, I enjoyed making the video. . With that, My Dear Shoevians, I will bring this edition of ‘Journey to LA’ to a close. Oh, yeah, Dr. Gorlick improved my pain medications! So, YES! YES, I will be working towards writing and publishing on a regular basis, again. . I would like to express my deep appreciation to you, My Dear Shoevians, for your interest in my blog(s), my writing, my stories and hope that you drop by often and SHARE my blog and articles (via your social media) so that others can enjoy, too!
© 2010 – 2016 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe
(Daniel Hanning- Writer, Research Staff, Editor and Publisher of The Other Shoe)
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