Friday, August 24, 2012

The Terrible Truth is Told....

I just now posted this @ the Indiegogo campaign to raise money for me to move. I have been avoiding this.. making this statement for a week. I want ALL my readers to know I am going to do everything I can to keep writing and publishing. I.. will let my post speak...

Hi there, this is Daniel. I, first, would like to thank my single contributor. Thank you, Jason.

Next, I would like to tell anyone that might care, I am well and "rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated". (Mark Twain) I have been in a great deal of pain, as of late, and this has kept me from writing. As well, I discovered today, my ability to 'type' is... waning.

Each and every day that I try to write, I am having more difficulty and spending more time back spacing than writing. This has been a problem, with my left hand, for some time. However, I have had full function of my right hand (least sensitivity to heat and pain). Now, since Monday, I find that my use of BOTH hands is being affected by my condition.

This is not easy for me to talk about, it makes me face the progressive nature of my condition and it tosses my mortality in my face.

I simply must keep working, writing. This puts a BIG rock between what I NEED To DO... and WANT to DO... and what I actually This SUCKS. My neurologist warned me that this "MIGHT" start happening. He told me that slowly, using the use of my peripheral body, most extremities, due to the compression on my spinal cord. But, when he talked about it, I didn't really get the impression this would happen, like, any time soon! This SUCKS.

I am going to TRY to write, I REALLY AM... It is just...

Well, yesterday I posted an article... It had a lie in it... I didn't have a problem THINKING... I WANTED to write... I just, couldn't write, physically. I just couldn't do it, I just couldn't get my finger to work right.

Right now... right now, it is happening again. All the sudden, I cannot control my fingers. I have to stop... I am so sorry...

And that, is the proverbial 'that'. My condition has caught up with me. Like an animal in the wild, I have been trying to outpace my disease for months, but it has caught up with me. Even now, as I write these words, I struggle to make my fingers work... Again, I apologize and will work to write again, soon.

Thank you for your kindness ans support.


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